The Little Rabbit who fell in love with the Wolf.

Sometimes, I wonder why i'm at the point in life that I am. Sometimes, I wonder how I got there. Sometimes, I wonder why i'm here at all. There are many things I can't answer, nor will I ever be able too. I know one thing for sure, though. That being, that I fell in love with a boy, and I won't ever leave. Honestly,when you've found the one who makes life enjoyable, and worth living, surely, you won't leave it, right? Well, thats
how I see it, anyway. Its amazing--no, HE'S amazing.. He's a cure-all. He's my drug. He's my world, and my life. He is my everything, and I wouldn't trade him for anyone else.. In the world I live in, he is the only one I see.
...One year down, forever more to go. <3

Hey, I'm Kumori. You, however, may call me Kumori. (Nah, I don't mind what you call me, unless of course.. I do mind.)
I'm you not-so-average girl, in love, and quite crazy. Yeah, thats right, I'm not good enough to be called eccentric. Heh.
I'm 5"2--short, yes i know; White, brown-haired, green-eyed, and.. I'm me. Thats all I can really say. My interests include:
my love, anime/manga, animals, foreign language, cartoons, books, drawing, and the internet. Thats all-- Bye stalkers~

Be mah Frennn
PM me, Betch.