
ddomment essagee rade

Hello! My name is Angela. My favorite color is blue, I play the flute and I love, love, love Nutella. I wonder about a lot of things and have a hard time of letting go of the past. I totally forgot about Gaia these past couple of months and I'm gonna try to actually get back to it. Doubt it'll work, but oh well!

Visit my tumblr.

“ You can be happy tomorrow. You can be happy when you get through your list of things to do. You can be happy when you meet the one. You can be happy when you get the right job. You can be happy when you get that raise. You can be happy when you stop buying the things you need and start buying the things you want. You can be happy when you retire. You can be happy when the weather suits you. You can be happy on a plane. You can be happy in the rain. Or you can stop reading this, take a deep breath, and be happy right now.

- Unknown