Fuzzy Rose.

Fuzzy Rose's avatar

Last Login: 12/29/2015 6:02 pm

Registered: 02/01/2007

Gender: Female

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My Personal Stalkers.


All about Me, BBY.

Hey people! This is my profile. It's filled with happy things, because I try not to be negative. Here's some things you probably don't care about!

Specific Stuff:
-14 years old
-Canadian, eh?

-Red-ish brown-ish hair
-Green and grey eyes
-5'6" tall
-Skinny. Yay for high metabolism!

-Goody goody

-Orange chocolate
-Literate people
-The television show 'Popular'
-Potter Puppet Pals <3

-Rude people

-Walking to the store and buying a slushie

So, that's some of me. Oh, and if you don't like something that I do like, then live with it. It's my life, and I will do what I want with it.

Thank you for reading!

**Respect Ichigo Berry! Donated 4k. Thankies :3
***Also respect Qt Ninja Faithy. Why? 'Cause she rocks my socks.

My Lovely Comments.

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x--I Dance To Kill--x Report | 03/13/2008 9:17 pm
x--I Dance To Kill--x
Nice avi

creamyorcrunchy Report | 02/27/2008 6:24 pm
Your avi's cute!

I'm Canadian as well!
sTATlK Report | 02/24/2008 4:01 pm
O, I live in Vancouver

sTATlK Report | 02/23/2008 8:33 pm
which part of BC do you live in?
Apple Valley Report | 02/23/2008 3:01 pm
Apple Valley
It had it's run. D:

Oh jeez, I hate it when it gets that cold.

Right now we have a break, so it's not that bad. But we have one hell of a storm coming up, so it's going to be worse. XD

I got my hair colored too~ I'll give you a picture once I get 'em off my camera. ( When I find the connection cable, that is. >__>; I lose that thing more then anything else... )
Apple Valley Report | 02/15/2008 7:36 pm
Apple Valley
I got sick for a while there, came back, saw it was dead and I was depressed for a few weeks. XD Kinda sad, about me getting depressed over a thread. >__>;

I'm doing good, could be better, but ah well~

It's cold right now in SoCal. XD
Apple Valley Report | 02/14/2008 9:33 pm
Apple Valley
Do you remember me? ( Most likely not. XD )

You were in my ( previous ) main's thread.

Victorville right a bell?

( I took over this account, my friend made a new one. XD )

Anyway, how have you been?
Moonlit Abyss Report | 01/29/2008 9:39 am
Moonlit Abyss
Whoa, Jubjub? 'Tis you? User Image
De Trop Report | 01/27/2008 1:06 am
De Trop
your layout is pretty! <3
braveryisdead Report | 01/26/2008 10:57 pm
i wanna rock ur whATEVER it is coz ur nice

get me a guitar someone

Lol. I wasted your time by making you look way over here.

Lol. I wasted your time by making you look way over here.

Lol. I wasted your time by making you look way over here.

Lol. I wasted your time by making you look way over here.