just me...

viridescent muse's avatar

Last Login: 01/13/2024 4:37 pm

Registered: 11/24/2006

Birthday: 09/29/1990

that's what i got

the littlest pawn shop

Welcome to The Amicabilis, here to serve all of your needs.
Trade requests, so long as they are feasible, are welcomed--PM me if you so desire.
Check my wish list for items I would be willing to trade for... in truth, however, I will entertain any offer that matches up in current market price.

If you have problems, talk to the walls (or PM me). It's not called The Amicabilis for nothing.


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musings on me

I hunger for tokens like a ravenous wild lioness. Feed them to me at a price of .50g or less for 1 token, and I will adore you. However, I will buy so long as you're selling for .90g or less for 1 token. Please PM me with trade offers!
User Image
(that's my progress in TOKENS, NOT GOLD!!)

Check out my art shop!
The Beholders Eye

Call me muse, if you please.
These days, I'm slowly defining what I'm about.
I like beautiful things--at heart, I'm a shameless aesthete, which might explain my dislike for certain modern art movements and very bad poetry (at least when taken seriously).
Literature, music, the performing arts and illustrations of every sort are passions of mine.
To add contrast, so is the internet.
Unfortunately, the arts are quite possibly the most ruthless industry on the planet, so I think I'm going to settle for helping people in whatever small ways I can. College should help me with that, and in less than a year I will find out for real. It's scary being me some days, but often enough, if I'm lucky, the excitement takes over and the scary isn't so difficult to deal with.

Avatar art would mean love to me. I have none, and you are doubtless incredibly creative. wink

There are people in this world who I find indescribably wonderful. They’re living, breathing testaments to what it is to be alive, and I often don't know what to do with them. You know who you are.

I’m proud to be a bibliophile, a faithful flawed Christian, an artist, and a soprano (though not always in that order); and no, there's nothing you can do about it. ^.^

There is very little in this world that's quite as lovely as books, laughter, and bear hugs.

*The MMO Forum*
*Qixter's Profile*

your words ~ thank you for them, for they are precious things ~

View All Comments

Dramaya Report | 11/15/2008 2:46 pm
Muuuuuuuuuuuuse! I finally boughts it! A Gothic Veil of my very own! <3

I really got it by luck, I really did. I had just sold enough stuff to get to over 20,000 g, and when I went to the marketplace to check on the Gothic Veil again, there were about 7 listings priced at 19,999 g! Such luck, it really was... But I is happy, especially since I've had my sights on this Collectible for forever and a year. *dances*
7x Ninja Report | 09/25/2008 6:39 am
Thanks your avi's pretty sick too
twnpeeks Report | 08/05/2008 2:13 pm
Thanks Muse, thought I'd check out your profile also. Nice User Image I've not been on too much lately do to IRL problems, but I come on at least once a day and check PM's. I belong to a Guild for the MMO called The Alliance Guild, I'm a Crew Member and use to set up contests and get accurate info, but since I was laid off from work looking for a job has taken precedence I'm sorry to say. Enough about that, if you want to check out the guild, please do.

Your writings sound like me, life is strange but beautiful User Image If you accept I will add you to friends OK?
Dramaya Report | 07/31/2008 2:29 pm
So... I just finished watching episode 112 of Yu Yu Hakusho... which basically means I've seen pretty much the entire series now. Just a few episodes here and there that I didn't bother to watch... Eh, it's sorta bittersweet, knowing that I'm at the end. Darn it, it's such a good series... HOW could I not know of this fabulous anime before? Needless to say, I've found my new obsession. ^.^ And now I can get working on Kuronue's fic with all canon knowledge of the Makai, yay!
x-TrigintaTres-x Report | 07/28/2008 12:16 pm
lol i adore it!! fab film!

Eechi Report | 07/26/2008 7:42 am
-bow, bow-

Thank you for buying from my shop.



Fellow Duremite~! <333
weve-got-the-vision Report | 07/26/2008 7:34 am
thanks for the bu y^^ and WOOT WOOR TEAM DUREM
7x Ninja Report | 07/21/2008 7:15 pm
thanks your avi's really hot ^_^
ThorneFire_23 Report | 07/20/2008 8:57 pm
Thanks for the purchase!
Pillage n Plunder Report | 07/20/2008 6:00 am
Thanks, I got it from here.

Support Durem! =D

muses don't need reasons



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rabstallion aka the rustinator

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strange and wonderful

Never lost a single race.Boooo and yaah, peeps. Peace out.

... mostly just strange.Dork.