
I love dogs,anime,and manga! I like to read Fruits Basket, Imadoki, Rurouni Kenshin,and tons more! My favorite animal is DOGS!! They are adorable, cute, and smart! But i like a lot of animals! I'm an animal lover! I wish i had a million books of manga! That's me!


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Im like O_O then O_o......X_X.....-_-; .....^-^ ...and finally I say HI back....

Umm....... Me and myself....i dont get it O_o......ok........well then.......is this the time to hit myself..........???.........What is my Journal Header??........oky doky .....then..........

Hi...Thanks for coming to my site......I dont really know much things here.......but, im learning*pats on back* ^-^ My journal is plain but I WILL MAKE IT BETTER!!!! *punches fist into the air*


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Report | 06/30/2006 7:09 am


Aloha there, Kimiko! Welcome to Gaia and you sure look rather lost eh? The gaia tour should help, its good. Well, you're such a funny bunny, saying such silly stuff. [Not insulting..If it hurt ya'll, I'm sorry.] Its cute actually well, I really got into thinking and wondered, what pet are you talking about? Well, I'll sure help you around. PM me!

-Y=O-U= -H=A-V=E- =B-E=E-N= -C=O-M=M-E=N-E=T-E=D- =B-Y= -O=R-A=N-G=E=


Please be my friend. XD Kimiko-Chi