
Drew85's avatar

Last Login: 08/20/2017 9:26 am

Registered: 06/10/2006

Gender: Male

Location: Pittsburgh

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Utada - Simple and Clean

Ness, Jeff, and Poo at the Roxberry

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Welcome! This is my store. I sell normal to rare items here! Rare items are so cool! If I have extra, I usually put it here to sell. Have fun shopping here!


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Nick Name: Drew
My name is Andrew and I am at the age of 25. I like playing video games, watching anime, being on my computer, on the internet, and posting in the message boards.
I like meeting people on the boards and discussing games, anime, and similar topics. I'm usually a nice guy and I hardly ever got into a fight! I actually met my fiance on Gaia and so this site is held dear to my heart. =) I love this place, even though, I bearly come on. lol confused

Crisis Core: FFVII Angeal and Genesis vs. Sephiroth

Let me hear you out

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yellow_tigress Report | 04/08/2013 7:39 pm
I still love you!
yellow_tigress Report | 07/20/2011 12:43 pm
I love you!
yellow_tigress Report | 06/30/2011 2:09 pm
hehe, I used you to get an achievement. But really, lover, I do like your avi, not as much as the one you bought me, though.
yellow_tigress Report | 06/30/2011 2:09 pm
cool avi
Speedy Snails Report | 02/04/2011 3:15 pm
I HOPE U HAD A GOOD DAY heart xp whee
Goddess Redline Report | 03/03/2010 12:14 am
Nyaa, what a strange new gaia we live in, nya. So Tetsuo-er I mean Drew, nya. When did they start passing out the buster swords and motorcycles, nya?
Watch_Salesman Report | 07/25/2009 10:12 pm
omg. I just got online and looked at the thread and was shocked! I can't believe you guys abandoned the thread. D: I guess I should have posted more.
Drew85 Report | 02/06/2009 11:24 am
Yup, I was Wednesday alright.
_l- f e r m a t a -l_ Report | 02/01/2009 4:02 pm
DREW~ is it your birthday in 3 days? User Image
Emobubblegum Report | 01/28/2009 8:30 pm


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Mitani Tomoyo - YASASHII RYOUTE: From .hack//GU Vol. 1 Rebirth:
