
Ohaiyo/Greetings! Hmmm about myself... well I guess being an army brat has made me very mis-mashed. I pull a little something from everything and everyone! -Hey if yo've read Martyr's Song, by Ted DeKker, that's where my ID name came from. 'Hobey Ho' is the Pendragon series (DJ MacHale)

I guess you can infer that I like to read a lot. -Actually I just started helping in the school library as a replacement for band and it's awesome. ^_^ (I get first dibs on all returned books when I shelve them) Oh, not only do I love to read books, but I love reading THE book. Yup, the Bible. Am a real geek like that. (Or Greek, making me Hellenistic! ^_^) (PLEASE tell me SOMEONE got that?!) Have a major thing with agape, and if you don't know what that is, PM me or something. (even if I don't know you, it's cool. I'll talk about agape to anyone) Fav. verse: Mark 6:36 Ignoring what they said, Jesus turned to the ruler of the synagouge and said, "Don't be afraid, just believe." (Sweet stuff) 1 Cor. 16:14 Do everything in love.

Ok apart from books, I also like anime. (mostly main stream) Am a serious otaku for Fullmetal Alchemist, Samurai 7, Fruits Basket, Kekkaishi, and Case Closed. Also like Naruto (Japanese), Bleach, Eureka 7 (something about the 7's), Gunslinger Girl, and Last Exile.

Music on my iPod's basically J-Rock, J-Pop, Anime Soundtracks (mostly FMA), Classical, some Baroque and Christian Rock. ThirdDay and Casting Crowns are the awesomest, closely followed by Tom Agnew. (Matthew West's pretty good too) -Oh and Jeremy Camp. ^_^ Recently quit school band, but by no means have quit music or learning the flute. (and piccolo) I like cleaning my (BEAUTIFUL) flute almost as much as playing it!

TV's mostly anime. (all the Sat. night, Sun morning adultswim stuff) The rest, YouTube. Yeah, TV in general I don't like a lot b/c of all the innapropiate stuff on. I'm amazed at the content of shows geared for little kids, let alone my own age group. (and people say anime's bad)

So yeah, there's my life history and hope you enjoyed the novel. (Sequel may be coming soon) >-< Have cool day and remember the Agape ruler: Get it, Give it, Use it! Seriously, God bless and Hobey Ho!




1 Cor. 16:14 Do Everything In Love heart