Marvelous Miss Mary

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Hello, one and all. May I introduce myself as Miss Mary, though- feel free to call me whatever suits your fancy. I'm recently returning to Gaia after a hiatus, and I am looking to 'start anew', as one might say. To offer a bit of information upon myself, I am a young woman. I enjoy a good cup of tea, and a few good moments to lounge about and read Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Aforementioned book is and likely shall forever be my favourite book, I have read it nearly eleven times. It would be something lovely to meet somebody with the same passion for Wonderland as I. I am often a conflicting sort of person, I am both an optimist and a realist. Its rather hard to try to find a proper fashion in which to describe myself, truth be told, so, I'm simply left to implore you to arouse some sort of conversation.




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Hello there, Stranger..

Let us join into this dance!
And frolic in our happenstance
Of dormice and an Alice each
Rejoice in what our minds can teach

Perhaps you and the Maddest waltz,
You'll find him not the slightest false,
Meanwhile, I shall take my tea
With the Hare, sugar three

The Cheshire can keep his taunts
Limited to selfish flaunts
You can be as bright as 'Dee
And silly little 'Dum I'll be

So it's dancing that we'll do,
All night long, just us two,
We'll catch our sleep from sprinkled sand
And drift into these Wonderlands