The False Nightingale

The False Nightingale's avatar

Registered: 06/28/2008

Gender: Female

Location: South Carolina

Birthday: 05/29


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Hello. This account is used both for roleplaying and for hanging out in the GD and WG. If you wish to know something about me that isn't on my profile, please feel free to PM me.

If you wish to know about me... well, here are the basics:
NICKNAMES: False, Nightingale, Birdy, Gale, and Night. Some people also refer to me by the names of my roleplay characters.
AGE: 17
HOBBIES: acting, roleplaying, hanging out in the GD, working backstage at the community theatre, pixel dolls, making avatars on TekTek that I'll never be able to afford
IRL?: I live in a small town in South Carolina. I have a twin brother. I love the theatre and am active in it every chance I get.

Please don't send me a friend request if I don't know you.
I'll just refuse it if you do. If you wish to befriend me, but don't know me, send me a pm. I promise, I don't bite, and I'm generally a nice person!



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Techie Creek Report | 08/20/2010 6:19 am
Techie Creek
No. My avi IS cool, dammit D<
Saint Drogo Report | 06/17/2010 2:31 pm
Saint Drogo
Oh please, you're gonna make me blush. redface LOL
And I could say the same about you. ;D
Saint Drogo Report | 06/17/2010 7:45 am
Saint Drogo
No prob! I had all that stuff in my inventory and wasn't using it, so I figured it'd be put to better use by someone who did want it. And really, I should thank you for reminding me of one of such a great story. ;D
No, you don't have to give me anything in return! I did it to be nice, not because I want something in return. I appreciate the offer, though~ whee
insultaflower Report | 06/12/2010 10:50 am
Lol. Thanks, I enjoy it as well. :3
Saber Blysmey Report | 05/22/2010 7:25 pm
Saber Blysmey
Thank you. ^^ I like yours as well.
Mooniewitch Report | 04/05/2010 12:28 pm
I believe you! It's 100% commercial in the US anyway. Though the costumes can't be worse than our regular 'carnaval' ones XD; (Costumes for adults who're just gonna get wasted 8D; )
Mooniewitch Report | 04/05/2010 12:24 pm
That would look incredibly awesome XD If only there were proper anime cons in my country, I could dress up myself XD (No halloween here either ;_; )
Mooniewitch Report | 04/05/2010 12:20 pm
*wants that Disney move now* XDD
EffieMay Report | 03/14/2010 8:12 pm
saw your comment in Grandma Effie's profile
I have been wondering about her
Doom-San Report | 02/16/2010 1:08 pm
Okay, so bear with me for a second:
I'm Azure Knight Vincent, previously Perfect Insanity Zero
So yeah. Hi.
I fdelt like dropping by.
On someone else's account.
Since we haven't talked in forever =/


If you wanna be a songbird,
there's an axe to clip your wings.


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