
Eye Color: green
Hair Color: dirty blonde
Height: 5’4"
Favorite Color: Black, red, blue, purple, and silver ^^
Favorite Band(s) The Arrogant Worms, Gackt, Meghan Tonjes, etc
Favorite Movie: Comedy, parody
Favorite Show: Good Eats, Mystery Diagnoses
Your Car: Ford Escort
Your Hometown: Born in Victoria, BC Canada, grew up in Welches, OR
Your Present Town: Close to the town I grew up in, but still a ways away
Your Crushes First Name: I don't have one.
Your Grade: 10th
Your Style: comfy and casual, kind of plain and girly.

Have You Ever ....
Sat on your rooftop? No
Kissed someone in the rain? No
Danced in a public place? yeah
Smiled for no reason? of course!
Laughed so hard you cried? haha! who hasn't?
Peed your pants after age 8? Only from laughing
Written a song? Nope
Sang to someone for no reason? I have, though I don't really do it often
Performed on a stage? Oh yes, and how I wish I could change how I acted...
Talked to someone you don't know? Yeah, I had to do that for my job all the time.
Gone out of your way to befriend someone? Hmmm I made more of an effort, but I didn't go out of my way.
Made out in a theatre? Nope
Gone roller skating since 5th grade? I don't think I've ever roller skated ever...

Can You ....
Write with both hands? A little bit!
Whistle? yep
Blow a bubble? yes
Roll your tounge in a circle? yep
Cross your eyes? yes
Touch your tounge to your nose? Nope!
Dance? No, though I want to learn ballet someday soon!
Stay up a whole night without sleep? Yes!
Speak a different language? I can speak a bit of French, German, and Japanese
Impersonate someone? Not really, but I've been told I impersonate my grandma pretty good.
Prank call people? No, I'm a teenager that rebels against the average teenage rebels
Make a card pyramid? No but I can make a card house! =D
Cook anything? You kidding? Hand me a recipe and I'll make it!

Finish The Line ....
If i were a ... different person, what would I be like?
I wish ... I could shapeshift!
most people don't know that ... I'm scared of growing old.
I am ... A total dork!
My heart is ... quick to get hurt