Message // Add To Friends // Trade

Intro Message:
I, KillingKayla, would like to personally thank you for concidering me to do your avi art.
Please be sure to read the rules and fill out the order form carfully.

This profile is seperate from my personal gaia profile.
You can add me by clicking this link --> Clickers

1. Please be patient. I'm still in high school, so not much time is dedicated to personal acivities.
2. Please don't criticize me if you don't like it. I tried my best for you.
3. Have the money to pay for it before you ask for one.
4. First come first serve! If your fifth on the list, you wait till the first four are done.

Versions Available && Prices:

Chibi (Avi-like);
Headshots ( Head & Hair Only ) -- 20,000 GG
Bust ( Breast Up ) -- 30,000 GG
Torso ( Waist Up ) -- 40,000 GG
Full Body ( Toes Up ) -- 80,000 GG

Realistic (Anime);
Headshots ( Head & Hair Only ) -- 30,000 GG
Bust ( Breast Up ) -- 40,000 GG
Torso ( Waist Up ) -- 50,000 GG
Full Body ( Toes Up ) -- 100,000 GG

[I ONLY use pensil at the moment.]
[After Christmas, I may be able to do digital art.]

How To Request:
Send this form in a PM.


Please place an x between the brakets that match what you want.

[ ] Realistic ( Anime )
[ ] Avatar ( Chibi )

[ ] Headshots ( Head & Hair Only )
[ ] Bust ( Breast Up )
[ ] Torso ( Waist Up )
[ ] Full Body ( Toes Up )



I will start on your art as soon as I can.
When I am finished drawing, I will send you a preview.
You can then send the trade with the ammount you offered.
After the trade is completed, I'll send you your art.

Please add our banner to your profile or signature and spread the word about us!

User Image


My DeviantART:
Click Here
You can check out example's for everything I've drawn lately.

Thanks for reading and I hope to be drawing for you soon!
