well... a few things bout me....
MUSIC IS MY LIFE!!!!! .... quite literally actually. i play two instruments: piano and violin and i'm learning to play the guitar. i generally listen to rock/alternative and indie but occasionally listen to some mainstream and pop..(though i'm usually quite out of date with it and therefore get to know really popular songs a few months after they were released :S) AND there is never a day i don't listen to music ...
and to all who play guitar hero....
smile add me on gh .. i have world tour, metallica, warriors of rock and legends of rock
smile so tell me whenever you wanna play or something
smile cause i will absolutely welcome the company
smile few things about what i normally play: i usually play expert on guitar; I don't usually play drums but i play medium/hard. bass... i think i can play expert.. but i don't play it much at all and singing.. nvd bout that.. :S. soo pm me! and my fc codes will be up when i remember *_______*
World Tour: Imp Switch; FC: 262294068874
Warriors of Rock: A TBSP
Metallica: Flatulent Cacophony; FC: 0990 9628 9799
I am quite messy......... despite my locker being perfectly clean and organised (not so much), i am presently surrounded with books and other random crap i've got and my legs on my desk
here's a list of what i've got right now......excel maths, science and english books, my old notes from this year and last year, a mooncake tin, my phone, plastic, english texts, pencil case, calculator, wallet, photos, garbage bin, pens, plate my sis gave me, books, memoirs, toys, glass animals, year 8 project, bags, folders, poster, crane chains............wind chimers.................................................................anyways .... you get the point.
I love SUMMER!!!!!!..... and spring. fav things bout summer (and spring) is that the weather is warmer, some days you can swim and go to the beach, i'm not freezing outside, lots of sun and can play outside in parks .. and yeah
I absolutely LOVE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I go to youth group most weeks when it is on and really love it. I also recently started leading the school fellowship group called Ignite! And I'm also one out of the two people in charge of Chapel - so me and my best friend who are in charge get to do lots of fun things around the school.
You guys should also check out my art in the art arenas!!! Please comment and vote
smile (it'll be much appreciated!!)
p.s. i don't accept any random friend requests.... so if you want to add me... please send me a message!! cause it quite abrupt if you just add me for no reason and then i'll have so many friends that i don't talk to..
My Randomness
You may find this journal annoying or peculiar or brilliant(though i doubt it) depending on who you are. if you don't like what i have written, then do not read it. all that is there is just a torrent of words from the back of my mind.
There are always new beginnings; so never give up hope.
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