
User Image-x-A little about me-x-

Stephanie is my name, and I'm 19 years old. I live in Scotland, in the United Kingdom, a little ways away from Glasgow. If it really matters, I have light brown hair (right now with blonde highlights), dark blue/green eyes, I'm around 5'7" tall and weigh in about 8st (or around 112lbs. Do you want to know a little about the kind of person I am? Alrighty then.

I am a whirl wind of personalities. And a single adjective can describe each one of them. First on the list, Hyper. I am a little ball of pure energy. When I get started, I can go for hours. I act very childish in this state, and usually pout a lot to get what I want, but it's all in good fun. Most people just make fun of me for it. Also, when I get hyper, I like to role play a lot. I love to type, and I love to make my characters do wierd and wonderful things - if you catch me in this mood, and we're role-playing, be prepared for some plot changes!

Another word is headstrong. I am a little b***h about some things. If I want something, damn well I am going to get it. Once my sights are set on something, I stop at nothing to get what I want. I will do anything to get what I want. Even if it means making an idiot of myself. I do not care. I have no shame. I will do the most idiotic thing for a cookie. If you take something from me that I had to work for, I am going to kick your a**. Plain and simple. I will beat your a** to kingdom come and think absolutely nothing about it. I do not give a s**t if I hurt your feelings as long I get what I want.

Devotion is another big thing with me. I love my friends to death. If you were to ask me if I will give my life for my friends, I will answer immediately, yes. I will not think twice about something like that. I love my friends too much. I will do anything for them. If you hurt one of my friends, you best watch your a** buddy. I will be on your tail like there is not tomorrow. My friends mean the world to me and I love each one of them dearly.

Although I may seem like an idiot, I really am not. I just like to act like I am. But I can assure you I will beat your a** in a game. I know everything about the human anatomy and I will use that to my advantage. If I ever get mugged, you bet I will fight back using what I know. I will not stop either until that person ceases attacking me. Yeah. I am that cool. Anyways. I may not seem like it, but I am trustworthy. I will never betray any of my friends. Ever. I would die rather than give up something about them. If my friends need me, I will be there in a heart beat.

And my friends know that. All they have to do is call me and I will come running. I will drop what ever I am doing and I will haul a** to my friends’ side. I do not care if it is all the way across town. I will be there. I love my friends that much.

I am what some call a perverted freak. Hey. I am around men all day. Give me a break. I will crack joke after perverted joke all day long. I know all of them. I always seem to say the most awkward things. But it makes people laugh. And I love seeing people happy. I know I am perverted. And do I care? No one bit. I will be perverted until the day I die.

And... that's me in a really big nutshell.

Anything else...? Oh, I love to role-play. If you feel the urge to become one of my partners, don't hesitate to send me a quick message. Please be literate, and have at least a semi-advanced writing style. I can easily stretch to 10 paragraphs per post, but just as easily I can compact it in to 4 paragraphs.

Send me a message if you want to chat. Comment here if you want to chat. JUST CHAT WITH ME. Woot woot.

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Viewing 11 of 11 friends


Anything I Can Be Bothered To Write About

Well, this thing sort of fell through as a Daily Journal, so I'm just going to have it as a sort of notebook for anything I can be bothered writing about.



Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Planet Domo

Report | 01/31/2010 11:49 am

Planet Domo

im a noob crying

Report | 12/18/2007 2:10 pm


I loves your avi!

Report | 12/10/2007 8:10 pm



Report | 11/24/2007 7:44 am


I love your attitude in your "About me" section...you rock...

P.S. I'd die to be there...I'm half Scottish...

Report | 11/15/2007 12:10 pm


Cool avi and background!

Report | 10/31/2007 5:17 pm


Happy Halloween!

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Fluffie Pillows

Report | 10/28/2007 2:42 pm

Fluffie Pillows

i think your name is pretty kewl

Fluffie Pillows

Report | 10/27/2007 4:22 pm

Fluffie Pillows

OMG awesome avi

[random comment]

Report | 09/01/2007 1:20 pm


thx for buying User Image

Report | 07/01/2007 2:05 pm


Hey there. I am so freaking bored right now <_<


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"The more I study religions the more I am convinced that man never worshipped anything but himself." - Sir Richard Francis Burton