
Hey, this will be my last time on. I've already gave my wonderful stuff away to one of my friends and i will be quiting gaia from now on.

I am giving this message to everyone, so those who are feeling special from me having to tell you personally, i'm sorry. I'm just copying and pasting the same note to all of you... (I'm sorry, it's just faster this way sweatdrop )

But i do love all of you deeply, and thank for putting up and being friends with me. You're all so nice :3.

Anyway, i just wanted to let you all know that i wont be on anymore. Though, i can't honestly say i won't EVER be on. I haven't given my account away, so i might get on out of boredness x3. So long conversations with many of you may never be returned. I'm sorry! I wasn't good at returning things anyway...

And want to keep contact with me? Because you ALL love me SO much? (not bragging, just... yeah, i'm bragging. Nevermind.) Here's my Fanfiction.com user name: Riiku-senpai. You can email me from there, and check out my poems and stuff :3

Love to all, and I'm sure I'll miss talking to all of your clever come backs and topics. Miss you all dearly


'Ello, luvs! Leave a comment while you're here!
*cool music plays as i make a pose*
Sorry i haven't been on lately. I've been sucked into this amazing book "SPUD." I haven't been able to put it down for the last few days. It isn't even in stores yet--i guess having a great aunt as a librarian is pretty awesome when you love books :]. Sadly i've finished it... and now i'm in that phase where your depressed and don't want to end the book... *sigh* I recommend you read it :]
As you've probably noticed: I am no longer "Riku Nara." Instead, i am now "Riiku-sempai."
I changed it because too many people think of "Riku from kingdom hearts" and not some random name. I set to work to figure out how to change the name, but keep it the way it is. I knew "Rikku" was another common name, so i was left with either "Riiku" or "Rikuu". I chose "Riiku" because people mispronounce "Riku" all the frikk'n time. Now they can say it right--the i's sound like : "E". rEku, people, not rIku. I added the sempai in there for fun, and for a little change. biggrin

You know, there are a lot of sasusaku fans out there... i'm looking for a decent sasunaru fanfic---there are only sasusaku... very sad... Except for that one nejisasu, nejishika, and saishika fanfic i didn't want to read... xD Oh, and countless hinanaru. Goodness, millions of them!!
Can't a girl get some decent pairings...??

(--_--);; {i want to do some fanfics] <---- meh xD

I am currently reading:
A hinasasu fanfic
An Inoshika fanfic
this may seem like a sakusasu thing... but its NOT!!!
Geuss the pairing? x3 luv this one!!

this is totally a sasunaru keeper.
The beginning and idea of it is a bit weird... but a good story, none the less!!

Sasunaru fanfic
This one's really good O.o

And they're really good biggrin

He just keeps smiling!

You know, i--



Thanks for viewing my profile!
My name is Riiku-sempai and I am not a narutard, idiot D<
I have been doing gaia since August 12, '06.
I enjoy drawing and reading. ;P
I wish I knew how to play an instrument but my only music talent is singing.
That does not mean i'm good at it >.<.
I despise random friend requests since they are almost always by either newbs or beggars.
You know what i hate?
When people type "u" instead of "you" on the computer.
And leet (or 1337, you nerd).
I hate all of that!
I live in Texas and I'm proud
Oh, and about my profile:
I spend hours on it.
HOURS, guys.
I change it a lot, so keep up with my pro.
You might just miss something when you're not looking
xD It's true!
And... obsessed with _____ this time~!
Answer: Fanfics!!!!


3nodding -----Random little things----- 3nodding

""That book is called doujinshi!!" Suddenly someone answered Naruto's question. Naruto turned his face at her, an otaku looking girl with two pigtails and thick glasses, wearing black sailor uniform while she was performing her victory.
"It's a book drew by fans to make original story with characters that they picked from manga, anime, or drama, or real people like you! Since the topic of 'Rumor about Sasu/Naru Relationship' has been extremely HOT these days, Konoha Private High School's Doujinshi Club decided to draw this doujinshi and copy it limitedly. Thus we sold it with high price for someone such as Temari-san who has desire to see their favorite characters to be together!!' The girl explained it in burning eyes and spirit. Naruto face faulted to see her.

What the hell's with this girl!? Is she even sane!?

After registering some of information he got, Naruto realized. He snapped. "HAAAA!! It's YOU!! You drew this stupid book, damn it!!" Naruto pointed at her angrily in frustrating face.

"Yeah, that's RIGHT!! You two are too HOT to be left single!! I'm so proud of my MASTERPIECE!!' The girl shouted again in full spirit.

"WHAT ON EARTH DO YOU MEAN BY MASTER PIECE!!?" Naruto screamed at her in angry frustrating face, but it seemed she ignored him completely."

- "Love me, my brother"

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Highshcool Love: It's Sweet, Yet Full Of Problems

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

Love: Hugz
Love: Romance novels and soap operas
Adores To: Draw
Wanna Be A: Graphic Advertiser/Astronomer/writer
Got: A head filled with ideas
Doesnt Like: horribly long books
Doesnt Like: Annoying school boys
Wants To Be: a better person
Wants A: Boyfriend who cuddles with her
Needs to: Sleep some more
Hates: Fighting with friends
Hates: random friend requests.
Annoys: Quelubrid, sometimes.
Wants people to: Understand her

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

I am a sausnaru fangirl (<333)

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I LOVE sasunaru. I'm a huge yoai fangirl. Oh, and Sasunaru=Narusasu I really don't care. As long as they're together. >=P
heart whee

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

I would like right now...

A Lunar Scythe Please~!


I am no longer in need for the lunar scythe, for my wonderful best friend, quelubrid, gave it to me. I LUFF YOUS!!! (and hate all of the people who didn't donate. Some friends you are D<)

Donations are loved

These people have donated:

whee Quelubrid: Almost everything. I luff him x3 whee

whee amber ryder: She gave me the tumdra boots i was dying for~! Thank you~! whee

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

I am a fangirl. Get over it.

My favorite character is Shika... but I'm thinking of changing it soon... *sadness*
Sasuke's emo, but he's still kinda-sorta-maybe-slightly-teeny-tiny-just-a-bit awesome
*chokes and dies*

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

Couples I support:

Naruto X Sasuke

Kakashi X Sakura

Neji X Hanabi

Kankurou X Tenten

Ino X Shika

Hinata X Gaara

Deidara x Tobi

Don't like them? TOO BAD. They're adorable and i love them all~!! heart

More coming... Just can't think of them all right now sweatdrop

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

The only reason i'm typing this down is because i got rid of the icons here and had extra space to fill in... So i will continue typing. You don't have to read it, you know? But i guess you'll keep on reading it....

I think that my character (Riiku Nara) should be tobi's sister~! That will be awesome. I like tobi a lot >///< i dunno why, though. There's just something about him... lolz. But my character likes shika, though. So the logical explanation is to be with shika, and tobi will be my brother. You know, sibling love for each other? That's not wrong... then again... there are fans of itachi x sasuke and hinata x neji (cousins=siblings... close enough D<)

Oooh, but then there's that rumor with tobi being obito... man, i don't say that name a lot, so i don't think i spelled it right. Heh, it's fun to say.. OBITO!!! OOOBBIIIITTTOOOO!! I do believe Tobi is Obito.

I am also against Yondaime being the leader of Akatsuki. Because HE'S NOT!!! His name is Paine or something... just watch my multimedia.

I'm not an idiot. I'm doing this because there's nothing better to do. Boredom can make you do anything... O_____O

Ok, here's a story line i want to do with the whole "Deidara x tobi" thing: Tobi is head-over-heels in love with Deidara, whom is suffering from the loss of his late, lover sasori. And Deidara is very, very confused about how he feels towards Tobi. The strange quirks, clumsiness, annoying-ness of Tobi that he once found irritating has suddenly become endearing. He knows he's attracted to Tobi, but desperately wants to NOT love him...And yet at the same time he wants Tobi, wants him more than anything... He longs sasori and his love, but cannot find him--he will never come back; leaving deidara thinking he will never love, nor trust again. But finally, tobi makes his way to deidara's stone-cold heart, and...

Wow, that was pretty good for a 3-minutes of trying to think of a plot =P. I think it sounds nice... i should totally do a fanfic... later.

I was looking at youtube and some amv because i was *bored*. Oh, yes, shocker there. Anyway, i was looking up deidara. I find "deidara x sakura". WHO THE HECK PAIRS THEM TOGETHER?!?! I know, i know, i'm not one to say that (what, with the kanky x ten, hanabi x neji, Hinata x gaara, so on...) but still. I pick cute couples. I just don't think deidara and sakura are together, you know?? I just think they're not cute D<. (sorry to all sakura x deidara fans...)

Hahahaaa look what i did:

User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

I'm too bored right now. So I'll stop typing...

For now.

heart ----------------------------------------------------------------------- heart

*sobs* this is sooo sweet.... crying crying

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Viewing 12 of 23 friends


Care to see my ranodm posts about random stuff? Do enjoy~!

Blah blah blah words words words... I think you get the point.

Psh. Description... Who needs that?



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.

Rin Of The Uchiha

Report | 09/21/2008 2:58 pm

Rin Of The Uchiha

hi whats up and how are are you am fine and i have a fire at my school on last monday and some kid was doing drugs in the girls bathroom so i have to got to the school ofther towwer so bye

Report | 05/06/2008 4:58 pm


i luv the movie Dickie Roberts!! "this is nucking futs!"

Report | 03/14/2008 1:22 pm


try this! send this comment to 10 profiles then press f5 to get 10,000 gold!
Rin Of The Uchiha

Report | 02/24/2008 10:17 am

Rin Of The Uchiha





























Rin Of The Uchiha

Report | 02/24/2008 10:14 am

Rin Of The Uchiha

AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WHAY

























Rin Of The Uchiha

Report | 02/15/2008 12:15 pm

Rin Of The Uchiha



aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaafdngfdsjfdsw why are you







on line on line





lie fdfdjshfjdsfjdsjfds dhfsd



Thankful Fever

Report | 12/16/2007 6:30 pm

Thankful Fever

hey i did not know you werny ever comin on agin i want to say goog bye i really hope we can talk agin!!!!!!!!!

Report | 10/21/2007 8:24 am


mmmmmmmmm chocolate and dr.pepper

Report | 09/10/2007 3:54 pm



if it had legs

and was alive to begin with.


Report | 08/26/2007 10:32 am


u is commentless


Im better than
Fucking Yaoi