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*** About Warren/Angel***
Warren Worthington III was born in Centerport, New York to Kathryn Worthington and Warren Worthington, Jr. He was attending a private school in his adolescence when white, feathered wings began to grow from his shoulder blades. At first Warren felt he was a freak, but he soon learned that he could use his wings to fly and to help people. He saved several people from a fire in his dormitory where he came to enjoy his power. He soon learned that he in fact was a mutant.

He began attending the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters, where Professor Charles Xavier trained young mutants to control their powers and use them for good. Taking the code name Angel, Worthington became one of the original members of the superhero team the X-Men. For a time he was romantically interested in team mate Jean Grey and tried to date her, but he eventually realized that Jean really wasn't interested in him, as the X-Man she was truly in love with was Scott Summers.

** His Abilities ***
Angel's primary power is that of flight. His wings have superhuman strength and can create enough lift to enable him to carry at least 500 pounds plus his own weight. They have a very flexible skeletal structure, enabling him to press them to the back of his torso and legs with only the slightest bulge visible under his clothing. His bones are hollow, he processes food more efficiently than normal humans and does not store any excess fat, he possesses a greater proportionate muscle mass than normal and his superhumanly sharp eyes can withstand high-speed winds which would damage the average human eye. His lungs can extract oxygen from the air at high velocities or altitudes.

While he generally flies below the height of clouds, Angel can reach almost twice this height with little effort. At his absolute maximum, he can reach the highest recorded altitude of a bird in flight - about the height above sea level of Mount Everest - but he can only remain that high for several minutes. He can fly nonstop under his own power for around half a day. Angel is able to fly at speeds surpassing 150 miles per hour under maximum effort.

*** Last Stand *** (Spoilers)
In the film, Warren Worthington III (referred as Angel in the credits but never called by this name in the dialogue) is a young man in his early twenties, and the son of a rich industrialist who is motivated by his son's mutation to create a "cure" for mutants. After finding a young Warren in the bathroom cutting off his own wings. Warren later in the years is seen with a full grown pair of wings, his father makes him the first to use the "cure". Warren flees before he can be stripped of his powers and goes to find the X-Men for help. He later makes an appearance in the final confrontation against Magneto's Brotherhood of evil mutants, rescuing his father as he is thrown off of a roof. Despite featuring prominently in much of the film's advertising, Angel's role is quite a minor one, and he only appears in a bare handful of scenes throughout the entire film. Apparently, men who auditioned for the part of Angel performed several scenes not in the final version of the movie. Whether these were filmed or not remains speculation until they do or do not appear as special features on the DVD to be released.

    If you like to patch me.
    the code is Here.

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    My Quilt


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Angels Things

Here are a few things that I have from a Quilt to codes.



Viewing 6 of 6 comments.

Elisabeth Braddock

Report | 03/24/2008 12:51 pm

Elisabeth Braddock

Nice avi you have there User Image

Report | 10/12/2006 1:35 am


Warren K. Worthington

Report | 06/18/2006 4:29 pm

Warren K. Worthington

I am asking around about it. Hopfully someone can help me.
Mrs. Cosplayer

Report | 06/18/2006 3:34 pm

Mrs. Cosplayer

But you do have a white bar on the bar that looks like it doesn't belong.
Mrs. Cosplayer

Report | 06/18/2006 3:33 pm

Mrs. Cosplayer

Hey there Angel. This is just wonderful!!! I absolutley love it. Great work. ^^
Warren K. Worthington

Report | 06/18/2006 12:32 pm

Warren K. Worthington

I am Testing my profile layout.


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"No, it's what you want." -Warren to his father.