The lovely Enma Kozato helped me with my cosplay c: Thank you so much. <3;


Taken from Reborn Wiki

Julie Katou

Julie Katou is a member of the Simon Famiglia. He previously attended Shimon Middle School, but he and his family transferred to Namimori after an earthquake hit their area. They chose Namimori because it is relatively earthquake free. They were invited to the Vongola Decimo's Inheritance Ceremony, where the Simon Family would declare war against the Vongola Famiglia. It is later revealed that Julie was actually the first generation mist guardian Daemon Spade. It can be assumed that Spade has possessed him since Adelheid had commented on Julie's current behavior by stating that he was never like this in the past.


Like most members of his family, Julie is always seen in his Shimon school uniform. He keeps the uniform top opened, revealing a yellow shirt, which seems to be barely tucked in. The features that set him apart from the others is that he wears a white fedora, which he has on in almost all his appearances. When his fedora is taken off, he reveals combed-backed hair and sideburns that end just below where his cheekbone is. He wears large, framed glasses, over his slightly slitted eyes. Finally, he sports a petit goatee.


Julie comes off as a laid-back, nonchalant person who moves at his own pace, and is constantly seen with a smile on his face. He seems to prefer being outside, wandering about than following his duties. His most obvious personality trait is that he is a slacker. In his first appearance, he missed an entire day of school. His laziness brings out the disapproval of Koyo, and his comment about Adelheid Suzuki hints that he has gotten into trouble sometime in the past. According to Koyo's comments towards Julie during their meeting, he seems to have a habit of gambling and chasing after women. Another trait is that he can be blunt and honest--saying whatever is on his mind. When Koyo made a comment on Julie doing nothing all day, Julie retorted by telling him to shut up and then insulted him on his failing marks. He also did not hesitate to call Enma, the boss of the family, pathetic. Moreover, he had no reservations on admitting he was stalking Chrome and, when he met up with her, he immediately confessed his love and asked her to run away with him. Despite Chrome saying no, he did not seem shaken by it and even took her with him after the Inheritance Ceremony after Enma defeated Tsuna and the others. It goes even further when he admitted to Chrome he kidnapped her when she was unconscious during the ceremony.
His personality can also be described as being the total opposite of Adelheid. While she is committed to her family and her duties, Julie is apathetic, making him the deviant of the family. Despite coming off as incredibly playful, he can quickly change attitudes should his freedom be jeopardized. In this case, he becomes aggressive and threatening enough to stop Adelheid from giving him orders without any retaliation. According to Adelheid, Julie was never like this in the past.

Plot Overview
Inheritance Ceremony Arc

He first appears when he sees Chrome Dokuro while taking a walk.
During the gathering of Tsuna's Family and the Simon Family on the rooftop of Namimori Middle School, he was the only one to be away from the gathering. He was grouped with Chrome to patrol other areas near Kokuyo to protect Tsuna. He secretly gave Chrome a package of food with the hope that it would feed Chrome, since he knew that Chrome was only eating chocolate snacks and commented to himself that he had a "kind-hearted soul." Later on, when Adelheid discussed with the rest of the Shimon members whether they were going to protect the Vongola Famiglia, Julie was the first to decline, saying that he didn't feel well enough. Adelheid then asked everyone if they have been taking good care of "that," to which everyone responded with a yes, and asked Enma to show them the Ring that proved that he had the inheritance to be the Boss of the Simon Famiglia. When the Simon Famiglia agreed to protect Tsuna, he introduced himself to Chrome and revealed to her that he was the one who kept sending the food for her. He then asked her to go on a date with him. Unfortunately for him, Chrome didn't understand what he meant and refused him, leaving Julie to comment on her cuteness.

He was later seen at the Inheritance Ceremony with the rest of the Simon Family. He and the rest of the Simon were all surprised to see Yamamoto healed from his wounds, but didn't say anything about it. He was later seen amongst the crowds during the ceremony, waiting along with the rest of the Simon Famiglia, when Tsuna was to receive the Vongola Sin from the Ninth. But, before the Ninth could give the Sin to Tsuna, an explosion was heard.

After an explosion, the Sin was broken open, supposedly by Enma. The Ninth revealed that the Sin in the ceremony was merely a fake. He proclaimed that the real one was in a safe that was impossible to penetrate. Suddenly, the safe was broken open, revealing Julie and Enma with the rest of the Simon. Enma states that they had come to the ceremony to take back the "Sin" for the Simon Famiglia and to get revenge on the Vongola. Enma and Adelheid explained the story about Sin, and that it was the blood of the first Simon Boss, Cozart Shimon. Timeoteo, however, says that he had never heard this story before, and that the Simon Family had disappeared overseas on their own accord. Julie replies that he was expecting that answer and that they had never heard of that story. Julie and the others then released their rings as Enma said that the reason that Vongola Primo got rid of the Simon was because they had a power that rivalled the Seven Flames of the Sky, which was the Seven Flames of the Earth. Enma easily overpowered Tsuna and defeated him and his guardians. Julie takes Chrome and says that "we have date plans" while Tsuna watches. The rest of the Shimon Family then left to go back to their home.

He later reappers with the rest of the Simon members, when Tsuna and his Guardians arrive to save Chrome and greets them. Tsuna and the others ask if Chrome is safe, Julie quicklys replies that she has been "asleep on my bed, looking as cute as an angel". Just than, the Vendcare Guardians interrupts them, and state that they are here to complete the oath between the Vongola Primo and the Shimon First. They go on to say that if the two families ever cross paths with one another, the loser would have spend an eternity in Vendicare Prison.

The Vendicare take their leave, but before going Adelheid ask how would they know who wins the battle. The Vendicare Guardians reply back that if the loser pride is broken, than the other family wins. Simon Family tells Tsuna and the others, that since this is there home land, they won't engage in battle yet. They would have to follow one road that leads to them. The Simon then leave.

He later received the memory of Cozart and Giotto when they first met. During that same period, he watches, with a grin on his face, as Chrome awakes. He then approached her and explained that he had took her with him when she was unconscious at the Inheritance Ceremony and right now she is at Simon Family's island, inside his room and also told her that Tsuna and the others currently in the island to save her. He then offered to help her change her clothes, which Chrome immediately refused. Still, he insisted because of her cuteness. Fortunately for Chrome, Adelheid came and took Julie to Shimon guardians meeting.

On the way, he teasingly asked Adelheid if she was jealous, which angered her. She told him that he is not supposed to be playing around and that she will kill Chrome after they have no use of her, much to Julie's protest. When they arrived at the meeting place to speak about the memory they received after Ryohei and Koyo battle, Julie simply said that he has no interest in that. As he leaves Adelheid attempts to remind him of his duties as a guardian of Simon. Julie, taking no delight from those orders, grabbed her face and glared at her coldly, reminding her of his displeasure of being ordered around. Then he playfully said not to worry because he will help if things get bad and he never forgot their goal is to overthrown the Vongola.

After the battle between Rauji and Lambo, he receives the memories. He then tells Kaoru that he need not battle since he had already defeated Yamamoto. He then proceeds to volunteer himself to battle the Vongola next on which P.Shitt takes a leave. He then settles down beside the depressed Enma. He tells Enma that their spy in the Vongola's CEDEF is doing well and is getting a lot of information useful to themselves. He takes out the picture of the leader of the CEDEF, Iemitsu Sawada, to prove that the "dirty" Vongola blood runs throughout Tsuna. He seems to have successfully manipulate Enma into continuing the fights. It was then revealed that Julie has a secret agenda for the Simon Family when he manipulates Enma.

When Enma comes and tries to save P.Shitt (which fails) and challenges Tsuna straight, he slyly tells Adelheid that she should leave him alone.

As Enma is in pain because of the gauntlet's evolution, Adelheid postpones the battle and declares the rules for the next battle, Adelheid against Tsuna, for a battle of pride. Gokudera disagrees of this because of her making the rules on her own, but Julie is quick to say that their lives were simply "spared a little longer" then saying that Enma will become much stronger after his awakening Adelheid then calls for Julie as they take their leaving, but not before Julie says, "Just like Primo".

As Chrome is trying to escape the room she is held captive in, the door opens to reveal Julie, and he starts to question her. He then asks if she could be his, only for Chrome to reply "no", but Julie says that she and him are getting along more than Mukuro Rokudo. Julie then begins telling Chrome about how Mukuro is keeping her alive with his illusions, but there is a special barrier in the island making him unable to reach, or even use his illusions for Chrome. Chrome is surprised by this, but even more surprised when Julie says that he is making her organs now, Chrome is unbelieving of this, until Julie gave an example by removing her organs. Julie then gives them back to her and asks if she will be his, she once again says that she won't, and that she doesnt need his organs. Julie tells Chrome that he was the person who devised the plan of Vongola vs Simon, and of his two goals, First to destroy Vongola, and second, to take Mukuro's body. As he says this, he reveals his true form, as Daemon Spade. Chrome refuses this, and Daemon is forced to use his eye technique as Chome is put under his control, forcing her to obey his will.

Enma Kozato // Dino Cavallone // Daemon
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