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I am into goth clothes and everything else. I love to read and listen to almost all kinds of music. I love to play games and talk to my fiends. I love Transformers. especially BumbleBee. He Is mine! You will have to kill me before I give up BumbleBee.

I like most horror movies, some comedy, and action. I don't care for romance type things. I think there boring and they kind of suck. XD Role playing, coffee, and a bunch of other things that I don't feel like listing off here. Oh I have some favorite weapons like Katana, sais and bow staffs. >w< Talk to me to learn more or not....It's up to you. I really don't care either way. pirate ninja owo I love pirates and ninjas. There awesome.

My Family: xXx-Elfy-xXx, x-Hoshi Kokoro-x heart I loves them~

My favorite qoutes are:
Ironhide: Why are we fighting to save the humans? They're a primitive and violent race.
Optimus Prime: Were we so different? They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there's only one way to end this war: we must destroy the Cube. If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest.
Ratchet: That's suicide! The Cube is raw power, it could destroy you both!
Optimus Prime: A necessary sacrifice to bring peace to this planet. We cannot let the humans pay for our mistakes. It's been an honor serving with you all.

Optimus Prime: My weapons specialist: Ironhide.
Ironhide: [drawing his guns] You feelin' lucky, punk?
Optimus Prime: Easy, Ironhide...
Ironhide: [retracts his guns] Just kidding. I just wanted to show him my cannons.

[Bumblebee, with Sam and Mikaela inside, is being chased by Barricade]
Mikaela: Oh my God, we're gonna die! We're gonna die!
Sam Witwicky: No we're not! Trust me, he's a kickass driver!
[Bumblebee heads towards a wall]
Sam Witwicky: [high-pitched scream] Oh my God, no! We're gonna die!

Optimus Prime: At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall!

Mikaela: Why are you here?
Optimus Prime: We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron.
Sam Witwicky: Mega-what?
[Prime projects a holographic view of Cybertron]
Optimus Prime: Our planet was once a powerful empire, peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons. All who defied them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars. Megatron followed it to Earth, where Captain Witwicky found him...
Sam Witwicky: My grandfather.
Optimus Prime: It was an accident that intertwined our fates.
[Captain Witwicky discovers Megatron in the ice]
Optimus Prime: Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube.
[the Captain fiddles with Megatron's gears, causing a bright light to strike him... ]
Optimus Prime: He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses.
Sam Witwicky: How did you know about his glasses?
Optimus Prime: eBay.
Sam Witwicky: eBay...
Ratchet: If the Decepticons find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army.
Optimus Prime: And the human race will be extinguished. Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival.
Mikaela: Please tell me that you have those glasses?

Sam Witwicky: [to a crippled Bumblebee] I'm not going to leave you!

Shockwave: Optimus!

Starscream: My eye!

Starscream: I can't see! I can't see!

Dutch: I'm so sorry. That is the old me.

Que: Ah, good, you're here. My name's Que. I do hope you have answers for him. I've never seen him so upset!
Lennox: Optimus, you remember Charlotte Mearing, our director of National Intelligence?
[Optimus stays in truck mode]
Dino: He's in a bad mood. He's not talking to anybody today.
Charlotte Mearing: What is this, the silent treatment?
Ironhide: We've seen that and this is not that.
Que: Definitely not!
Ironhide: This is worse. Prime, make something of yourself!
[bangs fist on top of Optimus's cab, Optimus transforms]
Ironhide: He's pissed.
Optimus Prime: [pounds the ground] You lied to us! Everything humans know of our planet we were told had all been shared!
[points to component]
Optimus Prime: So why was this found in human possession?

Bruce Brazos: Come to Daddy. Come on, throw down.
Bumblebee: Did you eat a lot of paint chips as a kid?

Simmons: [Wants to impress the Russians with a Russian phrase] Dutch, give me something tough.
Dutch: Eh.
[browses dictionary in panic]
Dutch: Baryshnikov.
Cosmonaut Dimitri: We do speak English.
Simmons: Dutch, you suck.
Dutch: It's a Cyrillic alphabet. It's like all the buttons you never push on a calculator! I don't suck.

[Ironhide and Sideswipe vs Crankcase and Hatchet]
Sideswipe: Whoa, we got us a little Mexican standoff!
Ironhide: Weapons down!
Sideswipe: And we'll let you escape with your dignity!

[Bumblebee drops some sprockets]
Carly Miller: Oooh, rings!
[Bumblebee plays wedding chimes]
Carly Miller: I love this car!
Sam Witwicky: Yeah, but Bee. you gotta slow it down. You gotta slow way down, ok?
Bumblebee: [through his radio] "I'm just trying to help out."

[Bumblebee is startled by Carly and crashes into the ceiling light]
Brains: Oh, that was smooth Bumblebee!
Bumblebee: Missed it by that much!
[Hides face embarrassed]

Robert Epps: Where are Sam and Carly?
Eddie: Um...
Robert Epps: I give you one thing to do, one thing to do, and you drop the ball on that?
Eddie: I ain't signed up for all this! Got aliens blasting at me, running around, chasing me! I'm ducking through churches and buildings and all that kind of crap! This is bullshit! I ain't signed up for this, Epps. I'm trying to keep it together.

[Wheelie and Brains end up in the Decepticon mothership]
Wheelie, Brains: Ohhh...
Brains: This is a total clusterf...

Optimus Prime:"Thank you, all of you. You honor us with your bravery."

Demolisher: "The Fallen shall rise again!"
Optimus: "Not today."

Optimus Prime: Ok, what seems to be the problem?
Bumblebee: I think the technical term is "a bunch of big honking rocks jaming Space Bridge".

Bumblebee: Hello, we're repair crew. Please tell me you're not actually thinking of taking on Decepticons!

Bumblebee: You'd be grumpy too if you had one servo in the scrap heap.
Ratchet: I may have one servo in the scrap heap, but I can still hear!

Bumblebee: But we're repair bots! We're not programmed for this kind of action!
Optimus Prime: Then consider this an upgrade.

Bumblebee: You know what? You're even uglier from this angle.
Megatron: Grrr!
Bumblebee: Scarier, too.

Bumblebee: Hi! I'm Bumblebee!
Sari Sumdac: I'm Sari!
Bumblebee: Oh, don't be! I like my name!

Optimus Prime: We need someone small and fast.
Bumblebee: Why is everyone looking at me?

Sari Sumdac: Uh, am I gonna be able to breathe down there?
Bumblebee: Oh, sure. What's breathe?

Optimus Prime: So I suppose you have an explanation.
Bumblebee: Actually, I'm narrowing it down to my top five.

Cyrus 'Colossus' Rhodes: Stand and fight! What are you, yellow?
Bumblebee: Well, duh.

Bulkhead: His attention span must be short, too.
Bumblebee: I heard that!
Prowl: Apparently so is his fuse.
Bulkhead: Oh, the ninja bot gets in a good one!
[gives him five]
Ratchet: Who knew he had it in him?

Bumblebee: If this is about the wrestling match, I'm retired from the ring!

Bumblebee: I may be small, but I'm scrappy! I got major skills!
[starts driving in circles]
Sari Sumdac: He's gonna be impossible to live with now, isn't he?
Ratchet: Oh, yeah. Big time.

[as the Autobots' spacecraft gets closer to the sun, its metal body begin to melt due to the immense heat. The sign "BERGER INC" is burnt. Brown vapors rising from the Autobots' bodies]
Bumblebee: Hey... my circuits are overheating!
Huffer: We'll, uhh... we'll...
Hound: We'll vaporize!
Optimus Prime: Cosmos... take action!
Cosmos: [Also suffering the same damage from the heat] Like what?
Optimus Prime: [Straining to speak] If I knew, I'd do it myself!
Cosmos: [Transforms to robot mode] I guess anything is better than nothing...
[enters the spacecraft and clicking the controls]
Ironhide: Well... any luck?
Cosmos: [Clicking the controls, then raising his hands in despair] No...
[the spaceship continues its deadly, unstoppable course into the sun]

[Millions miles from Earth, in deep space, the Autobots are safe: Trailbreaker activated his force-field, surrounding the other Autobots with it. Cosmos pulls the force-field, with all the Autobots inside it, toward the sun]
Bumblebee: Huh, if it hadn't been for your force field, Trailbreaker, we'd be molecules now.
Optimus Prime: You did well, Trailbreaker. Cosmos, put it in gear and let's get back to Earth. Cosmos, we're heading back toward the Sun! What's the problem?
Cosmos: Sorry, Prime. My navigational systems are still controlled by Teletraan 1.

Bumblebee: All right, Zippy, start talking!
[Blurr transforms from vehicle mode to robot mode]
Blurr: First of all, the name's not "Zippy"! As a matter of fact, I don't believe I've ever met another bot named Zippy, so one can only assume that you came up with "Zippy" in reference to my speed, which may be technically accurate, but lacks a certain creativity!
Bumblebee: Eh... eh-eh...
Blurr: More to the point, the name's Blurr! I'm an Autobot intelligence agent, sent to this planet by the Elite Guard to keep an eye on Optimus Prime and his crew as well as monitor the Decepticon activity, and you, my friend, have just blown a decacycle of covert surveillance designed to uncover Megatron's plot to conquer Cybertron. Everything was going according to plan when I intercepted a communication between the Decepticon leader and an unknown double agent! They were in the midst of plotting the abduction of an unsuspecting Autobot, which now, from the status of the current ground situation, appears to have been successful. Got that so far?
Bumblebee: Uh... could you repeat the last part?
Blurr: Which last part?
Bumblebee: Oh, everything after "The name's not Zippy."

Optimus Prime: So let me get this straight, you're an Autobot intelligence officer and you've found Megatron's hideout?
Blurr: That is correct, Optimus Prime. I have already reported my findings to the Elite Guard, requesting immediate reinforcements, but was informed that initial support would be delayed due to the fact that the Autobot forces are stretched too thin combating Decepticon uprisings along the edge of the galaxy. Further intelligence has also revealed that a human named Isaac Sumdac has been cooperating with the Decepticon leader by reverse engineering a space bridge schematic stolen by your ship. Which in Megatron intends to use to stage a sneak attack inside of Cybertron while planet's defense forces are at their weakest. But he's runnign difficulty getting the device operational. That's where you fellow buck comes in. Earlier today, I intercepted a communication between Megatron and a Decepticon double agent involving a plot to kidnap Autobot Bulkhead after discovering he's the galaxy's foremost expert in space bridge technology. Average to course, I mean that some kind of cooperation would undoubtedly have dire results and lead to Megatron's...
Bumblebee: Woah, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Back up!
Prowl: Did he just say Bulkhead?
Optimus Prime: Our Bulkhead?
Ratchet: An expert? On anything?

Bumblebee: How are we gonna get out of this?
Spike Witwicky: By the skin of our teeth.
Bumblebee: I didn't know human teeth had skin.

Bumblebee: Hey Prime, what do you think Megatron's gonna do to Starscream?
Optimus Prime: Nothing gentle, I would say.
Jazz: I think we seen the last of ol' Starcreep alright! And that's the first thing that's gone right all day.

Bumblebee: Monitor duty. Is there anything worse than monitor duty?
Bulkhead: Scraping barnacles? Washing out Sari's old socks? Getting a wheel alignment from Ratchet?
Bumblebee: It was a rhetorical question.

[the Autobots arrive where the first time-warp was detected. Sideswipe uses his hand drills to release Spike and Bumblebee from the wrecked building]
Bumblebee: About time you guys showed up!
Ironhide: What about Spike? Is he...
Spike Witwicky: Not a scratch, Ironhide, though I can't say the same for Bumblebee. He protected me with his body. He's a real hero!
Bumblebee: [meekly] Aw... anybody'd have done the same


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Viewing 8 of 8 comments.


Report | 12/27/2012 7:13 pm


Happy Birthday, Bee-chan~ heart

Report | 06/06/2012 5:57 am


thx 4 buying

Report | 09/19/2011 3:30 pm



Report | 09/17/2011 9:27 pm


dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama dramallama
And I give you llamas in return!

Report | 09/12/2011 9:17 pm


Thanks for buying from my store! I restock frequently so check again soon!
august xxix

Report | 09/11/2011 1:28 pm

august xxix

BEES!! heart

Report | 07/09/2011 2:45 pm


X3 Random comment~! heart Bouncy heart of bouncyness....

Report | 12/21/2010 4:44 pm


pirate I am so like a pirate. I want to be a pirate.

