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Last Login: 09/27/2017 5:47 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 04/14


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Risa_Mousy Report | 07/09/2020 10:03 pm
My husband (323GuiltySpark aka zoobezee) died June 24, 2020.
We met here on Gaia, and after 4 years of being friends, he asked me out. I was overjoyed that day, cause I had a crush on him the whole time we were friends. We dated for another 4 years, and then we got engaged for 6 months, we got married in 2014. We were nearly married 6 years, but one day he left for work, and an unlicensed driver drove into his lane. He died instantly. He was only 31, and I'm sadly his 29-year-old widow. I love and miss him so much. It's been a little over two weeks, and I can still hear his voice, picture his mannerisms, and I remember his likes and dislikes. His smirk with his snappy comebacks. His love of playing nerf guns in the house. He set the bar so high, I don't know if I'll ever be able to remarry. He was the best husband I could ever ask for, and I told him so. So many times, he never believed me though.
I would do anything to have him back, but I know I can't see him again until it's my trun to go to heaven. Until then, I'll do my best to stay strong and to move forward like he expects of me.
I love you so much, My Foxy!
Love your Kitty Mistress
takemetotheotherside Report | 06/06/2014 7:48 pm
I finally got around to watch Blue Submarine No. 6. I really enjoyed it. Thank you for suggesting it. Take care.
takemetotheotherside Report | 04/18/2014 7:04 pm
cool. I"ll have to check it out. Trigun is another favorite of mine.
takemetotheotherside Report | 04/18/2014 6:55 pm
I won it from a easter grab bag from loyal's shop. cowboy bebop is one of my all time favorites.
takemetotheotherside Report | 04/17/2014 8:14 pm
thank you so much. it is greatly appreciated
msjenkies Report | 07/22/2013 11:37 am
I don't think I've ever done a marathon like that and there is always a first for everything smile
I think I may try it!
msjenkies Report | 07/22/2013 11:35 am
I don't think I've ever done a marathon like that and there is always a first for everything smile
I think I may try it!
msjenkies Report | 07/22/2013 10:08 am
I'll probably aim for that razz
msjenkies Report | 07/21/2013 2:08 pm
It all depends I guess haha
Summer is a few weeks away from over for me.
msjenkies Report | 07/21/2013 1:58 pm
Yes! It's one of my favorites, although I never got around to finishing it sad Maybe I will this summer.

"Crow and his Branch of Sin~
A Branch of Sin that killed four friends~"

"All of your friends~
they pleased the Red Man so,
thank you for all of their severed heads~"

"You imitation bimbo,
women who kill are just so lovely,
faking and faking and hiding your ugliness~"

"Your mother ran away,
ran away and abandoned her flowers,
ran away and abandoned her daughter~"

"Your deranged daughter shouts so loudly,
you shut your ears and heard it all the same,
you shut your eyes and went mad all the same~"

The Wretched Egg
"Infected and tortured, you spread your desease,
oh how missery loves it company,
so heavy are your sins, so many you have brought to madness~"