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The Wall Of Quotes

i thought you had 24/7 support
<@TEKnoFLVA> yes but that doesn't mean you can use it 24/7
It's like the soda is her radioactive spinach that turns her into the hyper misguided popeye of the new millennium.
a friend of mine once commented that huamns are the only species to go out of our way to obtain milk after we've been weaned, I replied that we were the only species with cookies
You dont choose who you love, love chooses you. And that little ******** son of a b***h sticks itself to your face like the godless bloodsucking bastards in Alien and refuses to let go until it has drained your soul and left you an empty shell of a human being.
and the lord said... let there be fries with that... and they tasted good
Well I didn't wash it completely off so some are still on my hands...and since my hands touch my face and my face is rather warm, it becomes warm as well and then it feels sticky.
there's this thing on the news about what to do if someone cheats on you
craig: I suddenly have the urge to rip someone's ear off... can you guess why?
ted: uh... you've been possessed by vincent van gogh?
the simple answer, whether this is a relationship or a video game, is to kill them
note to self: Next person who wants to talk me into buying his firewall by telling me that my computer broadcasts an IP address will be ball-hung
only idiot use computers
i hardly like to point out the obvious irony, but...
TX Luder : dude
TX Luder : i just had a genius idea
TX Luder : m&ms frozen in ice cubes
TX Luder : just think of it man
TX Luder : your sucking on ice
TX Luder : then WHAM
TX Luder : m&m
I'm tellin' ya...when you're head asplodes don't come crying to me.
Now that's a WTF and a half
gonk No amount of therapy will ever make this moment okay.
Aqualime is the shape of nine cool
Cool...finally found a donut i lost 2 months ago..fell behind my tower
i think that clearly violates the 5 second rule
*** rmah ( has joined #javascript
greetings fellow humans
Isn't that an unwarranted assumption rmah?
no assumptions...I do not greet non-humans
fair point.
Buffman0250: i went to sam's club intending to buy contact lenses
Buffman0250: i left with peanuts cookies and slim jims
scr0t4r: is it because you couldn't tell the difference
Buffman0250: well i didn't have any contacts
scr0t4r: hmm i see
Buffman0250: youd be surprised how similar they look
scr0t4r: have you ever had a slim jim in your eye?
Buffman0250: twice
scr0t4r: you strike me as that type of person
Buffman0250: the second time it wasn't an accident
my oven goes to like 750, lady who used to live here was a chef or some s**t
i can bake a baby in like 10 mins
OOPS i mean chicken...
yeah chicken
"Allow me to molest your face with this rod!"
I just made a sammach with enough meat to kill a large bird
Oh wait, it did
Hahaha, stupid turkey

Mega Assault

I am known as Mega. I'm from Canada. I love music. Got tons. Also includes singing. And playing my Ocarina ^_^ I'm taking computer programming at college, so that should be fun.

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iCamo Report | 03/29/2015 3:23 am
I know you went to work and it'll probably be a long time before you see this, but remember the night I had the bad dream that I was a ghost? Well I couldn't sleep a wink after wards and just wanted to cuddle with you. So I thought the next best thing was stalking your gaia profile. xd heart
Absurdly Whimsical Report | 12/07/2009 11:50 am
Absurdly Whimsical
hey lol do you remember me? I don't even remember how we became friends!!!! What's up anyways? =P
Absurdly Whimsical Report | 12/07/2009 11:49 am
Absurdly Whimsical
hey lol do you remember me? I don't even remember how we became friends!!!! What's up anyways? =P
Absurdly Whimsical Report | 12/07/2009 11:48 am
Absurdly Whimsical
hey lol do you remember me? I don't even remember how we became friends!!!! What's up anyways? =P
iCamo Report | 11/13/2009 3:23 pm
Unfortunately, no. Duct tape creations require money that I do not I am also looking for a job.
>.<Which is why I'm not supposed to be here because gaia is just too damn distracting!

Oh well. Thankfully I've put most of my RPs on hold and those were the major sponges of my time.
Though, with my discovery of facebook, all of the quizzes are quickly replacing them. D=

Darn my easily distracted mind! xD
iCamo Report | 11/13/2009 1:12 pm
Ohmaigawd, HI! =D
Dang it! You come back and I have to be gone. >.<
Well am I SUPPOSED to be gone...<.<;
I am currently breaking my own rules.
Camo = no will power whatsoever. xD

How are you? =o
iCamo Report | 05/15/2009 6:58 am
Happy Birthday, Wade! =D
Bring out the confetti cannon! xD
Sairin2010 Report | 01/02/2009 1:10 am
Hi there. Thanks for purchasing at my store. Pleasure doing business ^^
Jei H Report | 12/22/2008 10:12 am
Jei H
Sick. What kind of coop placement are you lookin for?
iCamo Report | 12/19/2008 9:41 pm
*gigglefit* Ah, how I missed the wall of quotes. <3

Seriously, I'm cryin' here! xDD