todays been alot better

aswell as the normal household and baby stuff ive been fiddleing around with paintshop pro 7

ive never been able to draw on the computer i dont feel like i have enough control but mikey (gaian name eRrOR_55o) my boyfriend has been flashing my work all over gaia and ive had some lovely comments about it so i figured ive give drawing on the computer a go but ending up making a really crappy wishlist instead lol
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well anyway you proberly wanna see the "art" that mikes been flashing

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this is the one in his sig it took me ages to get it so i was happy with it lol

and heres a bonus its a rough sketch of deedlit from lodoss wars

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and finally this was me practising with drawing wings not sure how it turned out though?

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comments would be very welcome
every comment helps me to improve lol

well take care maties xxx