Note: when I stay at joe's he kicks me out at 8:30 or before so it is not his fault that I dont make you late for school. The reason i made you late so many times was because I was staying the night at Tyrell's he has a nasty habit of turning off the alarm clock, letting me sleep in, making me eat before i leave, and wanting to cuddle for hours in the morning, also he makes me forget everything else in life and only think about him and me, I blame him for not helping me get back here in time, but now i will not be visiting him anymore, it is just me and joe, and joe makes sure that i remember you

I am sory that I can not do more about your lonelyness, but you do get to see all our friends at school every day. Maybe it is not as much lonely because it is a poor situation, it is more lonely because you know you could have the possibility of being with people instead, so you want to be with them. I know I have that problem now with joe, if I dont visit him every night, I feel very alone and lonely.

run out of food?
you have thanxgiving left overs in the fridge, your side of the cupboard has soups and random other meal stuff, you have multiple zipblock containers with left overs in them, you have sandwich material, what is this no food thing your talking about?
Since I am never home, you can always ask derek to bring you into the courthouse to apply for food stamps. Also, since I know you will not like my Christmas gift for you, I was thinking for Christmas I could pay one full food bill for you (also it would be a bit of bribery for you to forget my making you late for school so many times)

I think breaking lease costs 200 or maybe 500 or something like that, so if you really need to get out it is not that bad, I am also thinking of breaking lease, the cost for breaking lease will be nothing to me, considering I will be saveing $150 dollars a month on expences, it will be hard going from my stuff everywhere to half a bedroom and part of a living room, and I dont know what I will do if my relationship with him ever goes sour

and for john's information: I will have my own space, I plan to set up my computer and desk in the living room, that space will be mine, I will claim it with my pile of stuff

btw risu: that is not your crap spraweled around the apartment, i am pretty sure most of it is mine *looks around* yep, your stuff is mostly on a little shelf or on the table ooh except the hallway closet, you got a large portion of that, btw "MY VACUUM" (just thought I would say that because despite my almost non use of it, i like my vacuum)

also, i thought the main problem you told me, was money? where does money come into most of your plans?