Like everyother guild, we have rules. Since Paige was nice enough to let you join for free you better follow them :D and here they are:

1. Follow the Terms of Service please
2. No Spamming
3. Type out your words.
4. No trolling, if you do troll, you'll be forgiven. please don't troll.
5. No flaming. Theres only one expectation:
If you're correcting a guld member on their noobish behavior.
6. Don't beg fot ANYTHNG.
If I hear about anyone begging and annoying other guild members, you're out
7. Don't act like a whore/slut. You're not in the CB or GD
8. Don't start s**t. we're not in middle school.

I have the right to come back and edit them.