People have roleplayed for hundreds of years. We see it all around us. People impersonating others, actors on television, singers creating some kind of image as to who they are, children playing with dolls and action figures, etc.

And what's not to love? You can use your imagination and collaborate with someone to make some kind of epic story and do it any way you want to by developing your characters or creating new worlds to explore... All right from your own head!

People RP in many different styles. Some do "cybering" where they act out sexual desires, some do realistic RPs that can be set in a high school, others create science fiction RPs, and others do RPs set in medieval times.

Sometimes people will use dollmaking websites to design their characters. eLouai, Doll Wizard, and tektek are personal favorites. Those who can draw, will do so. I've known people to write out elaborate statistics about their characters in the form of a questionaire.

To me, RPing is an entertaining outlet of creativity for making a book or a movie but without having it be perfect or without using costumes and lighting.

Enough of my rambling and not-quite-connected thoughts. Just go off and RP your little hearts out! Have fun everyone!