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A hero's tale

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duo of the wildfire

7,900 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Citizen 200
PostPosted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 11:53 pm
This is story i've been writing for a while base of my rpc and some of my friends rpc's. And all the characters base of people are elementalist. It's also not finished yet i'm currently stuck.

A hero’s tale

Chapter 1 the beginning

Once up a time in a land ruled by evil, a land where the weak died and the strong survived. Arose one fire elemental, which wanted to make a difference. One with the makings of a hero, but will his ambition be enough or will he be wash away in the sea of evil that rules this land?

Chapter 2 an unlikely hero

The story begins with or hero napping on the roof of his home in the fire tribe, when tragedy strikes. The tribe is attacked by a horde of bandits, and so enters our hero duo of the wildfire. Duo quickly awakes from his nap when the bandits start causing trouble. “What a drag, these bandits never seem to give up” said duo. Then ran across the nearby buildings jumping to the next at each ally until he arrived at a teahouse where the bandits were causing trouble. “Gimmie all your money and that cute waitress of yours” demanded one of the bandits. “Wow I would’ve though you’d show some kind of dignity. But all show your showing is that your stupid pigs.” said duo. “What! Do you know who we are?! We are the most ruthless and powerful bandits in the world!” shouted the bandit “Wow not only are you losers but your full of it” said duo with a smirk on his face. “That’s it your dead punk!” yelled the bandit as he charged duo. As the bandits charged duo began doing hand signs. “Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu (Fire Element; Grand Fireball)” said duo with echo in is voice. Then he spit a giant flame from his mouth, burning the bandits alive. “Hmp why waste power my on weaklings like you guys” said duo “thank you so much duo you really saved us. Who knows how much trouble those bandits could’ve caused,” said the elderly teahouse owner. “Don’t mention it, I’m sure you could’ve taken them yourselves.” said duo. Just then duo was tackled by the grateful waitress, “thank you so much duo you’re the best, who knows what those bandits would’ve done if you hadn’t come.” “Really don’t mention it, it was nothing.” said duo. “Surely there is someway we can repay you?” said the shop owner “Don’t worry about…” but before duo could finish he was hit by a blast of darkness energy it wasn’t enough to send him flying but it still hurt real bad. “You only continue to amaze me, first you take out all my men without breaking a sweat then you sense my presence in time to dodge my attack but you didn’t in order to protect the innocent and on top of all that your still alive with minimum injury bravo young fire elemental” said the mysterious figure. “You going somewhere with this.” said duo. “Yes in fact I am, am giving you a chance to join my master and become all powerful so what do you say?” said the dark figure. “Hmmm I say forget it I’d rather kiss the backside of a mule.” said duo. “Is that your finally answer?” questioned the dark figure. “Yes,” said duo as he motioned to the teahouse owner and the waitress to go for cover. “Then you and this village shall be destroyed,” said the dark figure as he toke a giant energy orb in his hand. “I don’t so duo used his power of shadow (light and dark) to turn the dark power against the user. “Darn it I underestimated you but you won’t be so lucky next time by the way the name is talon don’t forget it” said the dark figure as he disappeared into a dark portal. Duo fell to his knee exhausted from using that power (He hasn’t exactly mastered it so it’s takes a lot out of him). “Duo are you okay, he didn’t hurt you did he?” said the concerned waitress (The waitress had been duo’s first friend when he came actually she is his only friend most villagers don’t trust him because he is an outsider). “You worry to much yuna, I’m just a little tried that’s all. I guess I’ve got to go home and get some rest.” said duo. “Okay then you be careful on your way home, but you go my wife has prepared some dumplings and riceballs for you as a thank you.” said the shop owner. “She didn’t have to I really do anything.” said duo. “Nonsense you’ve saved us twice today it’s the least we could do.” Said the shop owner with a smile on his face. “Plus you wouldn’t want her to do all that work only to hear that you didn’t want them would you?” said yuna “You have a point there okay I’ll take them” said duo as he reluctantly toke the box lunch with the treats inside. “Okay I’ll be on my way now.” Said duo as he jumped on top of the nearest building leavening the same way he came. When duo got home he ate the treats give’ in to and went to bad but what will tomorrow hold for him?

Chapter 3 good byes are always hard

Duo began the next day as usual and things went normally until the afternoon during duo’s slack out time. But then trouble arose again. “Man do they wait until I fell like slacking out or do they just have good timing?” said duo as he went to see what the trouble was. There were demons attacking the villagers. “Whoa! Been awhile since I’ve seen those kind of demon.” Said duo as he began doing handsigns “Katon Housenka no Jutsu (Fire Element, Phoenix Fire)” said duo with an echo in his voice. Fireballs then emerged from his mouth taking out all the demons. “Is everyone alright?” said duo. As duo looked around he noticed that everyone were giving him a cold stare. “Did I do something wrong?” said duo with a nervous voice. “Now you try to play hero well we’re not buying it.” said one of the villagers “What!?! I just saved your butts and you at like I sent those demons after you!” shout duo upset with the way the villagers were treating him. “Duo stop” said yuna who was in the crowd during the attack. She had witness everything and knew why the villagers were treating him that way, “Duo we have to talk” said yuna with a worried look on her face. Duo at first looked confused but nodded and fallowed back to the teahouse where she wanted to speak with him. “Duo I know why they were treating so badly” said yuna with her head down. “Why? It’s because I’m a outsider isn’t It.” said duo “No not this time, it’s because those demons were calling you there master, they said that you ordered them to take revenge on the village for them.” Said yuna in a sad voice. “What that’s a lie I would never command demons to attack the village I don’t even have the ability to command demons, it must’ve been that bustard talon.” said duo. “I know you wouldn’t duo but the villagers don’t,” said yuna “Thanks yuna I knew I could trust you, but what am I gonna do?” said duo “Give them time duo they’ll see that you’re a good guy” said yuna with a smile on her face “thanks your good with pep talks, well I’ve got training to do so I’ll see ya. The next day there was another attack this one so bad that by the time duo got there all of the villages warriors had been defeated and the only fighter left was the leader and what horrified duo the most was enemy. It was about 10 copies that looked exactly like him. “What the there are so many of me, how is it possible” said duo as he began fight. After hours of battle the duo clones were defeated “Wow I didn’t know I was so tough, guess all that training paid off.” Joked duo. The leader of the fire tribe looked at him with a cold stare “do you think this is funny? Is this the way you get your enjoyment? By attacking the village that toke you in even thou you were an outsider?” said the leader of the fire tribe in a angry voice “What I would never attack the village.” said duo “Oh yea then I guess some of your shadow clones gained a brain of there own,” “What? Shadow clones that’s impossible I haven’t used that jutsu since this morning when I was training.” Said duo “If that true then why did they have the same moves as you and they disappeared like shadow clones?” said the leader. Duo just stood there he had no answer for him “I see well with that I banish you from the fire tribe.” Said the leader “what that’s not fair I didn’t do it.” Shouted duo “You have until tomorrow morning to leave” said the leader as he walked away. Duo stood there with his head down his words had cut deep into his heart. But duo still went home and packed his belonging “It’s not fair I didn’t do it but those who did will pay.” Said duo. He was finished before nightfall and made to the tea house before it closed to say goodbye to his best friend “well it’s time I got going, I just wanted to say goodbye before I did” said duo in a sad voice, when duo looked up he could see that his good friend had burst into tears. “Duo I wish you didn’t have to go things wouldn’t be the same without you,” said yuna as she glomped him (tackle hug) “you always kept all the jerks away what are going to do without you?” said yuna “don’t worry I’m sure you’ll give all bad customers all smack down,” said duo “Yea right you know how weak I am” said yuna “Then it’s a good thing I’m giving you this,” said duo as he pulled out a necklace with an heart shaped pendant “Not only does it look nice but I hold some of my lightning power” said duo “Wow I can’t believe you got me such a cool necklace“ said yuna as she began hugging duo even tighter “Yuna I can’t breath please let go” said duo In a horsed voice “oh sorry” said yuna as she let go and toke the necklace from him “I’ll wear it every day” said yuna as she put on the necklace. “I’m gonna miss you guys” duo said duo I a sad voice “So will we” said yuna “well I’d better go before I damper the mood even more” said duo as he began out the door “wait I made you this” said the shop owner’s wife handing him a box lunch that was bigger then one she had give’ in him before. Duo was about to say he didn’t deserve it but he looked at them and just said thank you in a soft voice, then pulled the hood of his red cloak with a black fire symbol on the back and left.

Chapter 4 the journey begins

It had been 2 days since duo lefted the fire tribe, he often wondered how his friend yuna was doing. Even thou he was isolated from the others in the village, being on the road were much lonelier. After a couple of hours of walking duo found himself lost in a forest, when the pendant his mother gave him when he was a child began to glow “what the, what with the light show?” said duo. Then the pendant started pulling him through the forest, until duo found himself being pull to a shire. When he finally got there the necklace broke and the pendant flew into as if it were a key. Then all of a sudden the ground shook and a beam of light came from the shire “whoa to cool” said duo then the shire exploded and out of the ground came a giant phoenix. After letting out a great roar the phoenix reduce itself in size (to about duo’s height) “Are you the one who released me from my prison” said the phoenix, duo nodded yes “Okay then enter my flames and if you are not burned then you are my new master“ said the phoenix as he burst into flames, duo nodded and walked into the flames. Luckily enough for him he was not burned instead he was infused with the phoenix’s power, “You are now my master my power is now yours to use as you please” said the phoenix “Does that mean you disappear or fuse with my body or something?” asked duo “No I could either hang around with you until you need me or I could be sent away until you call upon me” said the phoenix “I think I’ll go with the first one” said duo “Okay then” answered the phoenix, then the phoenix shrunk to the size of a pet bird. “Aren’t you gonna get tried if you fly everywhere” asked duo “yea but what else can I do” asked the phoenix “You could ride on my head” said duo “Really that’s okay” asked the phoenix, duo nodded and the phoenix landed on his head. “So do you have a name” asked duo “yes it’s fire phoenix” answered fire phoenix “Really cool name I am duo of the wildfire it’s nice to meet you” said duo “likewise” said fire phoenix. Later while they were trying to find there way out of the forest they fell into a hole, duo of course was able to land on his feet. But he landed in the middle of a strange light and when he looked at his feet he was wearing strange shoes, and all of a sudden a voice comes from nowhere “You are now owner of the air shoes, they give you the ability to use the light dash” said the voice “really cool” said duo. As he walked out of the light a secret passage opened and inside were the chaos emeralds duo have studied them a lot so he already knew how to use them but 3 had been taken already to duo’s dismay. But luckily the passage led out of the caverns and back into the forest. After a couple more hours of walking duo came across a giant object covered in ivy “I wonder what it is” said duo. In order to find out what it, as luck would have it he fell into the cockpit and all kinds of information was beamed into his including what it was and how to fix it (it’s a gundam). It toke about half an hour but he was able to fix it and became the new pilot of burningdeathscythe (he gave it that name after upgrading it). After he finish learning from the gundam he had it turn into what looked like a book bag so not to draw attention, which cleared the path they needed to get out of the forest. “Yea freedom” now out of the mysterious forest the weary warrior can rest for the night.

Chapter 5 an unlikely friend

The next day duo came to a town where he was able to stock up on supplies. After walking around the town he accidentally activated the light dash and when he finally stop it was to late to stop himself from running into the unsuspecting traveler in front of him “Sorry miss I didn’t to run into you like that” said duo, unfortunately the didn’t hear him “agh get away you pervert” shouted the woman “I’m no pervert I said it was an accident” said duo “Well speak up next time” yelled the woman as she stormed off. Duo tried not to let it get to him but he was still upset about it. A couple of days later he found himself in another town luckily for him it was almost nightfall when he got there, on his way to find an inn he heard a scream coming the ally and when he went to check it out he saw the same girl from the other town “leave me alone you jerks” said the girl “all come on baby don’t be like we just wanna have some fun with ya” said one of the thugs “Hey she said she’s not interested” said duo “So what are you gonna do about it” said one of the thugs, duo pulled out one of the chaos emeralds “chaos spear” said duo with an echo in his voice then light spears came out of nowhere and killed the thugs “scum like that should not exist in this world. Duo then walked up to the girl “are you okay?” asked duo the girl nodded “who are you” asked the girl “I’m the pervert who doesn’t talk loud enough from two day ago” answered “Oh sorry about that I was in a bad mood then do think you think you could help me out those jerks stuck some weird device on my arm and I can’t use my powers” said the girl “I might but I won’t be able to here you a place in doors with good lighting” asked duo “there is an inn down the road I think you can do it there” asked the girl “that’s prefect” said duo. Later at the duo was able to get the device but they were in the only room the inn had lefted so duo ended up on couch. The next morning when they were beginning to go their separate way the girl asked if it was okay if she travel with him “where are you headed” asked “to find and kill the source of the dark power that rules this” said the girl “really me too I guess it will only make sense if we travel together by the way the names duo, duo of the wildfire and this is my familiar fire phoenix nice to meet you” said duoa78gel, air born angel nice to meet you to” said angel. Today duo has made another friend.

Chapter 6 an old rival

After 3 days of travel duo and angel come to a town “hey we can stock up on supplies here” said angel “sounds good to me” said duo. After getting the supplies duo and angel decide to get an inn for the night. The next day, but as they were leaving they had an unexpected meeting with one of duo’s more violent friends. “You” said duo and his old friend as that charged each other with their swords in hand. After awhile they found themselves stuck in a deadlock “Who is this guy and how does he keep up with you like that” ask angel “his names shadow foxx he’s an old friend and a deadly rival” said duo as he tried to break the deadlock “who’s she” ask shadow foxx “she’s a friend not that you care or anything” said duo “You got that right” said shadow foxx. The two finally broke the deadlock and then shadow foxx did something unexpected he pulled out one of the chaos emeralds “time stop” said shadow foxx with an echo in his voice “what the I’ve got to hurry” duo quickly pulled out one of his emeralds “chaos control” (same as time stop) said duo with an echo in his voice. Duo used the chaos control just in time to avoid shadow foxx’s deadly attack. The two began to fight high speeds until the effect of the chaos emeralds had worn off, by then they were completely exhausted “you sure don’t slack off do you” said duo breathing hard “yea unlike you” said shadow foxx breathing hard “whatever I still kept up with you didn’t I” said duo “that’s because I was going easy on you” said shadow foxx “whatever” said duo “ever” said shadow foxx giving duo a serious stare before both burst into laughter “what is up with you guys first your trying to kill each other now your laughing like old friends” yelled angel “we are old friends we just are serious rivals” said duo “you two are a couple of weird guys” said angel “so shadow where you headed” asked duo paying angels last comment no mind “I’m headed after the master of darkness so I can kill him and take over this world” said shadow “I see same old shadow anyway wanna come with us we’re headed that way to” said duo “normally no but this time I’ll make an exception It’ll give me a good chance to kill you when you drop your guard” said shadow “whatever by the way where’d you get that emerald“ asked duo “I was gonna ask you the same thing” said shadow then both of them said found it at the same time, “well I’ve two more” said shadow “so I have three more” said duo “darn you when this round’ said shadow foxx “whatever windy” said duo “grrrrrrr hot head” said shadow foxx “boys please cut it out” said angel “whatever lets just go” said duo as he put back on his cloak and began walking, his friends soon fallowed him behind him as they continued there journey.

Chapter 7 (insert title here)

As continued their walking angel brought up a very good question “Do we have any idea where we’re going because it seems to me that we’ve just been blindly walking” asked angel “I’ve just been following duo he seemed to now where we are going” said shadow “Apparently we going to HQ of our enemy” said duo Angel then got a really annoyed look on her face “I know that much but do you know that is” yelled angel “No not really” said duo calmly shadow tried to keep himself from laughing at the two “So we’ve been walking with no idea where we’re going” yelled angel “I didn’t say that I said I didn’t no where it is exactly but that doesn’t mean I don’t know which way to go I’ve been leading us in the direction of a very strong darkness aura” said duo “that why I’ve been getting this sick feeling” said shadow “really I don’t feel anything” said angel “you probably wouldn’t the aura repels light elementals and attracts darkness elementals you not having either of those elements are unaffected but shadow over there is because he is a light elemental which allows him to sense it not track it I am those because I am have the power of shadow which allows gives me a little power over darkness and a little power over light and a few powers in between so that why I can track it” said duo “that makes sense” said angel. Later on while the trio was walking angel began humming which didn’t bother duo or shadow. But then duo shhhh her and they stopped walking “if you wanted me to stop you could been nicer about it” said angel duo just shhhh her again while he and shadow seemed to ready themselves putting their hand on their katana “what going on”” asked angel neither answered and just before she could asked again demons had jumped out of the bushes in the forest and tried to attack them from above. Duo had toke out the three that tried to attack him using kunai knives while they were still in mid air so he could take out the ones going for angel who was to taken by surprise to defend herself “thanks I would’ve been a goner if you hadn’t helped” said angel “ “don’t mention it” replied duo. Meanwhile shadow quickly disposed of the three that tried to attack him with his katana “to easy for me” said shadow “way to easy there usually a lot more” said duo just then more demons had surround them “me and my big mouth” said duo. The three began using some of their stronger moves in order to finish the fight quickly but it was all in vain it seemed the harder they fought the more would come “this is going nowhere” said shadow “well not much we can do about that” said duo, as the fight progress things went from bad to worst angel had passed out from lack of power she had exhausted all her elemental energy “great we can’t fight and protect her” said shadow “we also can’t leave her” said duo “why she’s only holding us back and protecting her will get us killed” said shadow, duo just gave him a evil stare “okay then how do you expect to keep us all alive” asked shadow “we could do the one most forbidden thing in this world we could combine our power and work together” said duo “no never ever ever ever ever” shouted shadow “its either that or we all die” said duo, the though of them working together was enough to make shadow throw up but given the situation he agreed to it “what the plan” asked shadow “get out your chaos emeralds if we combine the power of all seven we should be able to use a strong enough chaos control to get us all out of here” said duo. They followed duo’s plans and were able to get away from their attackers so they couldn’t find them and luckily for them they ended up in a town were they could rest and get their strength back.  
PostPosted: Sun Aug 13, 2006 6:55 pm
Chapter 8 ummmm I got nothing

The next the trio had found themselves in a meadow outside the village. “Hey this looks like it’ll be a good place for you guys to train together” said duo “What why should I train her I’m no teacher” said shadow “Unless you want us to all end up dead next then don’t” said fire phoenix “My though exactly” said duo “What are you guys talking about” asked angel “That showed all of our skill levels and yours is way to low which could be the death of all of us” said duo “didn’t know I was so useless” said angel “Shut up and come on before I change my mind” said shadow “What why should I go with you” said angel “If you want to live then will because that was the last time I ever work with him” said shadow “okay here I come” said angel as she reluctantly fallowed him. Duo went down to the forest on the far side of the meadow and began to nap under a tree when a girl came out nowhere and jumped on his head and into the tree. “Sorry I’m in a hurry” said the girl “why did you use my head as a step stool.” Asked duo the girl pointed at the on coming men “them” she whispered. “Did you do something to them or are they attacking you?” asked duo the girl did not answer because the men had already gotten close enough to hear her if she said something. ”Hey, boy, have you seen a young girl running around in this area? We want to find her and return her to her rightful place. She has run from our Academy and she needs to return, otherwise be killed.” said one of the men “Hey they’re probably lovers lets kill him and see if she comes to help.” Said one of the other men “That’s funny because you losers couldn’t kill a fly and since you pissed me off I ain’t telling you nothing, now get lost before I get in the killing mood.” Said duo the girl began to blush wondering why this boy she had never met before was protecting her. The men the surrounded duo and laughed at him “Come on kid we just want to know if you know where the girl is or not. We won’t hurt you if you tell us the truth.” said one of the men “Your lack of manner tells me I shouldn’t tell you anything” said duo as he sat back down under the tree “no if you’ll excuse me I have business to get back to” said duo as he got comfortable. The girl jumped down and stood in front of the boy. "You want me, you'll have to catch me first!" said the girl She jumped up and started jumping from tree to tree, laughing. The men surprised by her actions fell backwards. "Wait, what," one man called in reply. "She said we have to catch her in order for us to have her," another yelled at him. "Dumbasses! Get going," the leader screamed. Duo laughed at the man for being surprised so easily “You guy are sad if you can get sacred by a girl so easily.” said duo while still laughing. The girl looked back at the duo that was now laughing. "Thank you. I really appreciate it," she thought. "I should go back once they start after me, see I can help him," she continued to think. The men ran after her. "Hey, come back here girly! All we want to do is get you back where you belong!" said one of the men as they jumped up into the trees and stopped, noticing she was long gone, or hiding. The girl jumped down in front of the duo. "Come with me. I have to talk to you and this place isn’t safe for me nor you!" said the girl as she ran towards another tree not too far and beckoned him to her. Duo stood from where he was sitting and jumped over into the tree the girl was hiding in “You know those guy were no threat to me.” Said duo she laughed and blushed. "They would have been if I wouldn't have come down. They're stronger than they look." Said the girl while she frowned. "Why did you protect me," she asked, her blush deepening. “Who me I didn't do anything really I just don't talk to people who are rude and dumb enough to threaten me.” The men had noticed that duo had disappeared as well and figure that he and the girl were together and began to search for them. “Oh no they’re coming for us we have to leave” said the girl as she began jumping through the trees. Duo quickly fallow behind her “why are you fallowing me it’s not safe” asked the girl. But before duo could answer he noticed the men fallowing them. Duo then stopped and called down fire from the sky that crashed down in front of the men making a giant wall of fire. “Let’s go now while they’re busy” said duo
The two run into the deepest part of the forest. “Umm do you think I could come with you I’d be able to get away from those guys and I’d be with a with a friend” said the girl “Sure the names duo, duo of the wildfire and this is my familiar fire phoenix” said duo “my names Keeran nice to meet you both” said Keeran “Like wise” said both fire phoenix and duo. Later the two met up with duo’s other friends after taking out the guys who were after Keeran “Hey guys how’d training go” asked duo “pretty good I think anyway who’s that?” asked angel “This is my new buddy Keeran she’ll be coming with us on our quest. Keeran this is shadow foxx and angel more friends of mine” Said duo “Nice to meet you guys,” said Keeran “Nice to meet you to” said angel “whatever” said shadow “Don’t mind him he’s always like that” said duo. The team then went to get something to eat and then found an inn to rest in for the night and the next mourning before continued on their journey they all agreed never to let shadow and duo sleep in the same room.

Chapter 9 hints to duo’s past

Our four heroes’ arrive at a town that was almost completely destroyed. Every house was burned down except one but even that one in bad shape “what could have happened here” asked angel “Probably thieves” said duo “I wonder if there are any survivors” asked Keeran “I doubt it” said shadow “Well I’m gonna look around anyway” said angel “me too” said Keeran “ I agree with shadow do we have to this place was destroyed a long time ago” said duo “thank you” said shadow. The girl just gave a stern look as they each looked around for a while until angel had found something very interesting it was a half burned picture with a women with long black hair she seem to hugging a child who’s image had been cut off by the burns “Hey guys check this out” said angel as she showed them “Wow she pretty” said Keeran “Yea” said shadow “Give me that” said duo as he snatched the picture and put it in his pocket “Hey that was rude” said angel “yea duo do you know or something?” asked Keeran “Yea she’s my mother” said duo in a sorrowful voice “what!?! She’s your mom,” shouted everyone at the same time “Yes I use to live here when I was young and that pile a rubble is what use to be my home.” Said duo with his head down. Just then an old man walked up and after taking one glance at duo got really upset “You’re the cause this destruction and now your back to finish the job “ shouted the old man “No and I’m sorry I didn’t mean to cause so much trouble I came by accident” said duo with his head still down just then old mans daughter walked up “Dad there you are I’ve been worried sick. Oh I see we have guest wait is that duo, yes it is how have you been duo” said the woman “mina is that you your looking well” said duo
“Thank you, you well as well it’s also good to see that you’re still alive” said mina “No it isn’t that boy is the reason our beautiful village was destroyed” shouted the old man duo just stood there with his head down. “Dad that isn’t nice and you know it wasn’t his fault,” said mina while she scolded her father “Yes it is” said duo has he walked away with his head hanging down. “Duo wait” said mina as she watched walk away “See dad look what you’ve done” said mina as she scolded her father “Could you all tell duo that we don’t blame him for what happened and he’s welcome back anytime.” Asked mina with a hopeful look in her eyes “Sure we’ll tell him” said Keeran as fallowed her friends who were fallowing duo. Later that night after Keeran relayed the message duo told them the story of his past.  

duo of the wildfire

7,900 Points
  • Tycoon 200
  • Invisibility 100
  • Citizen 200


PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:25 pm
You might want to separate each chapter into a post, because those chapters are looooooong. And paragraph breaks are our friend. From what I did read before I developed the headache, I think it's not bad.  
PostPosted: Thu Sep 07, 2006 3:41 pm
Chapter 10 the reuniting of old friends

Today we find our hero’s in another village but this is no ordinary village this particular village has a strong fire aura coming from it. “Very clever leading us to a fire tribe village so you can get your buddies to jump me duo but I’ll beat them all” said shadow “Duo wouldn’t use such a dirty trick stupid he can be you without help right duo” said keeran “keeran’s right I don’t need help to kick your butt shadow but I did lead us here intentionally” said duo “Why shouldn’t be heading to the source of evil” asked angel “We are but we have to go through here first the aura from this village is to strong and I can’t continue tracking the dark power until we pass it” said duo “sure that’s it” mumbled shadow. As our hero’s were passing threw the village duo happened to hear a familiar voice and by the time he could turned around to see who has calling him it was too late, he had been glomped by his old friend yuna. “Duo I’m so happy to see you did you come here to join this fire tribe because the leader here is a lot nicer” said yuna “No I’m just passing threw wait a minute what are you doing here” asked duo “Well I kinda didn’t have a choice you see two days after you lefted they attacked again but when they found out you weren’t there talon came and destroyed the village and killed everyone If it weren’t for the shop owner I’d be dead to” said yuna as her eyes swelled with tears “Darn him he’s crossed the line” said duo “Wait a minute how did you escape exactly” asked shadow “and who’s talon” asked keeran “The shop owner, his wife and me escaped threw an under ground passage way hidden under the shop” explained yuna “talon is a darkness elemental who works for source of the dark power” explained duo “okay then why is he after you” asked angel “yea he should be after me” said shadow ‘he’s after me because I refuse to join the darkness elementals and the I defeated him” said duo ignoring shadow “yea duo’s the greatest” said yuna while duo just stood there blushing “I’m not really the greatest” said duo “of course your not I am” said shadow “shut up” said duo “yea” agreed everyone else. Yuna then insisted that they all go talk at the teahouse the shopkeeper and his wife had opened soon after arriving “Here we are what do you guys think?” asked yuna “It’s exactly the as the old one” joked duo “Well I think it’s nice” said angel “me too” agreed keeran “Thank you and for your information duo this one doubles as a house” explained yuna “Really how’d you pull that off” ask duo “Not sure we’re not even sure of what this building used to be” explained yuna “I see well I glad to see you guys are doing well” said duo. Just then the shop owner walked out of the kitchen “Is that duo I hear?” asked the shop owner “Yep it’s me duo” said duo “Ah duo it’s good to see you looking well” said the shop owner “I could say the same for you yuna tells me you guys been holding your own” said duo “If you ask me it’s yuna who’s been doing all the work” said the shop owner. Yuna began to blush “I haven’t done anything really” said yuna “I doubt that” said duo “I don’t” said shadow. Everyone glared at shadow “What I was just joking “ said shadow “Anyway it’s starting to get late why don’t you guys stay here tonight” asked yuna “If it we’re not imposing” said duo “Of course not you and your friends are always welcome” said the shop owner “okay then if guys are okay with it” said duo, everyone had nodded in agreement. “Okay I’ll go prepare the rooms,” said yuna “We’ll help” said everyone else “Duo wait can I speak with you for a minute?” asked the shop owner “Sure what is” asked duo “Well I was wondering if you could stay here with us” said the shop owner “I would love to stay and help you guys out but there are some things I need to handle first” said duo “Could you at least consider it I’m sure it would make yuna happy and this village could use a strong warrior like you” said the shop owner. Just then yuna came down “hey duo come on we have to choose who bunks with who” said yuna “Okay be right there I’ll think about your offer thank you” said duo as he run upstairs. After the game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who sleeps with who it was decided that keeran and duo would stay in one room while shadow and angel stay in the other room.  

duo of the wildfire

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