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Ulfric Ironhammer
Height5' 4"
Romantic preferencesWomen, several at once if he can
RoleBlacksmith, Warrior
AllegianceHis fellow Dwarves

Battlesmith: Skilled in both Fighting and Smithing. His main job is to create weapons and armor, second would be defending the keep or invading someplace.

Fighting!: Who doesn’t like a good brawl.
BEEEEEEEEEER!: He is not shy to drink, the stronger the brew the better.
Smithing: He loves to tinker, to build, to create.

The Personal Things
Personality Ulfric is a rather serious man, giving it everything into his craft. Don’t get him wrong, outside of his workshop he’s a fun man. A bit of a flirt to women, race isn’t an issue. He's a firm believer in completing what you start. Get Ulfric drunk and he's a slight party animal and a slight jokester.

Dwarven Fortitude: Born of the mountain he is tougher, stronger, flame resistant. However he is shorter.
Heart of the mountain: Able to handle the molten core it how the best weapons are forged.
The Engineer: Give him a design or an idea and he can make it.

The drink: He enjoys a strong brew and will drink a night away.
Grudge-bearer: Wrong him or his fellow dwarves and he will not forget it, not until the grudge is settled.
Belligerence: Just as he is quick to craft he is faster to raise an axe for war.

Ulfric Ironhammer was born of the mountain, and that he was even bigger than most dwarves. Much like many of his people as soon as he could lift a hammer he was able to smith. Ulfric gave himself a work ethic that would rival most, giving everything into each project. Though he wouldn’t declare it out loud he didn’t like giving humans dwarven weapons, feeling there should be more of a cost to such craftsmanship, but it wasn’t his decision to make.

As he worked he hard would also drink just as hard, partying his nights up. One night, however, in a drunken state he was challenged to make a weapon. Telling his friend "hold my mead" he stumbled to his workshop and went to work. When he awoke from his drunken stupor the sight he beheld stunned him, an axe of great weight but also great power that upon wielding it magma flowed through its blade. His greatest achievement as none before or with him could craft such a weapon. Keeping for himself he'd continue to work, making weapons and armor like normal but also recreating his greatest accomplishment.