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First Year - Fourth Year: Polya Licorn (Blue eyes tho)
Fifth Year +: Jessica Clements

AGE 12

BIRTHDAY June 22, 2034


HEIGHT 4 ft 11 in


WAND Pear w/ Unicorn Tail Hair, 8 inches, Rigid and Knobby

PET A mixed breed mare named Butterscotch (At Home)
A Flemish Giant rabbit named Clover (At Hogwarts)

xxxSCHOOL AND CAREERxxxxxxxxxxxx

ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

YEAR Second

Let's see now
Hard-working, cautious, with a good heart
You'll be right at home in

■ Writer for The Daily Dragon
■ Language Club

■ Astronomy
■ Herbology
■ History of Magic

■ Defense Against the Dark Arts
■ Potions
■ Transfiguration

DREAM JOB Journalist


DUTIFUL Although she’d much rather be lazing in a hammock with a good book, Juniper was taught on the farm that there will be plenty of time to relax once the job is done. As such she has never been one to procrastinate, and instead makes a point of carefully managing her time so that she will be able to evenly balance her work and play so that she isn’t stressing to meet a deadline at the last moment like some of her peers.

ABSENT-MINDED June mind has a tendency to wonder when left to her own devices. She often walks into rooms just to forget what she was doing, and when working will drift between multiple tasks at once as she can’t maintain focus on one thing for long unless she’s putting forth tremendous effort. When doing chores at home, she is sometimes tricked by her brother into doing his part as well, as when she attempts to help him she will often start daydreaming and doesn’t realize he’s run off until the work is completed, much to her annoyance.

FREETHINKER She may be spacey, but she’s certainly not naive. Juniper is a bit of a skeptic and will not always believe the words of a stranger or those in authority if she spots any sort of contradiction. She prefers to find the answers to her questions on her own with her own research instead of blindly listening to the explanations of others. If she is not satisfied with something, she will do everything she can to uncover the full truth, even if it involves taking some risks.

APPREHENSIVE Juniper isn’t necessarily afraid to take a risk, but she does prefer to avoid danger and confrontation when at all possible. She is very cautious, and with her vivid imagination is able to come up with several ways a scenario could go wrong or why she shouldn’t trust a strange man peddling watches on the streets during city trips. Thanks to this she often finds herself worrying over her more courageous brother or any adventurous friends, tagging along just to be sure there’s someone to call for help in case someone gets hurt.

RESERVED To outsiders, June recognizes that she may come off as cool and aloof. It’s not intentional, it’s just for her she would rather spend her time alone or amongst those she is already closely bonded too, as socializing with new people can be tedious and exhausting for her introverted nature. She tends to keep her feelings to herself unless directly asked, in which case she will willingly express herself without mincing words. She can be tactless, but she feels speaking openly and honestly is more important, even if it can lose her a potential friend. If they can’t handle her as she is, why should she waste her time, anyway?

CHEEKY Typically serious, June does have a bit of a silly streak when she’s amongst family and friends. She loves to play games and share jokes but is especially fond of wordplay, be it puns or witty remarks. Once she had learned from her purchased text books many spells had a Latin origin, she took it upon herself to learn some Latin words and phrases in case they would come in handy to play tricks on her future classmates… Or to have a way to curse in front of her parents without a slap on the wrist.

■ Gardening
■ Fantasy Novels
■ Horseback Riding
■ Naps
■ Bulrushes
■ Ukulele

■ Milk
■ Misinformation
■ Violence/Gore
■ Kale
■ Cooked Lamb

■ Not Easily Fooled
■ Green Thumb

■ Can’t stand the sight of blood. Makes her queasy.
■ Bees

■ Losing Joshua


EARLY CHILDHOOD Juniper was born as the youngest child of Jeffrey and Judith Sparks, just three minutes after her twin brother Joshua at 12:01 AM, 22nd of June. The duo grew up on the family farm not far out from Winchester, where they raised the usual farm animals. Her father was one of the local veterinarians, and her mother stayed home to care for the children, the plants, and the animals.

When Juniper was seven, she’d been gifted her first and only horse, a mixed breed mare affectionately dubbed Butterscotch. Her first few rides had gone on without a hitch, but one day there had been an incident where she hadn’t had her helmet on properly. A garden snake startled Butterscotch and June was flung off the saddle, smacking her head against hard ground and having to get several stitches on her left temple where she now has a white, healed over scar. The injury didn’t bother her much, beyond feeling a little nauseated from her concussion, and as soon as she was able she was back to riding.

Tragedy had struck her brother once in the form of a wolf making its way into the farm and preying upon his cherished sheep, Sir Wooliam(The First). While Josh obtained what June considered a perfectly reasonable fear of wolves, she herself realized she had a severe aversion to blood after viewing the mutilated corpse and promptly losing her breakfast to the nearest blueberry bush. If she were being truthful, she wasn’t entirely sure if the aversion was sparked by her riding accident or the sheep, but she was betting on the latter. Poor Wooliam!

As she grew, Juniper had a love for tending to the plants in her mother’s garden. Everything from tulips to zucchini, she had made a point to learn the best way to raise them up happy and healthy. Her only issue with gardening had been her reported allergy to bees, as when one would buzz by her head she would always run off screaming. The bees made tending to the plants take forever.

It was through her plants that Juniper began to notice something was odd about her. She’d often talk to her plants after reading that it was proven to help them grow. She could have sworn they were moving, as if they were pleased with her company, but that was rubbish, right? Just the summer breeze. It wasn’t until after Josh had mentioned moving drawings, and the sudden revival of a wilted rose bush, that June began to question whether it was magic or the two of them simply had overactive imaginations. She was pleasantly surprised the day the governor from Hogwarts came to deliver their letters and inform them they were in fact wizards, and would need to go to a special school to learn to control their magic. Although their mother and father were initially hesitant, they were good parents and in the end supported the twins and wished them well on their trip to school.

FIRST YEAR First year had gone well enough as far as June was concerned. In a new environment she had been cautious of her new magical classmates, but after settling in to her new house and the whole being-a-witch thing, it had been just fine. She mostly kept to herself, the only notable exceptions being when she had been with her brother, or during club hours. She joined The Daily Dragon and even the Language Club after some thought. The only event that had really caught Juniper by surprise was the discovery over the year that Clover was a much larger breed of rabbit than she had expected. As it turned out, Flemish Giants were a thing, and by the time she had made her way home for the summer Clover was as big as a small dog! At least she wouldn’t be losing track of her bunny anytime soon.

SECOND YEAR (what happened your character's second year of school; this section will be added in after their second year is completed)
THIRD YEAR (what happened your character's third year of school; this section will be added in after their third year is completed)
FOURTH YEAR (what happened your character's fourth year of school; this section will be added in after their fourth year is completed)
FIFTH YEAR (what happened your character's fifth year of school; this section will be added in after their fifth year is completed)
SIXTH YEAR (what happened your character's sixth year of school; this section will be added in after their sixth year is completed)
SEVENTH YEAR (what happened your character's seventh year of school; this section will be added in after their seventh year is completed)




■ PARENTS Jeffrey and Judith Sparks
■ TWIN BROTHER Joshua Sparks

■ BEST FRIEND Joshua Sparks
■ ---


ACQUAINTANCES Second Year Students, Hufflepuff House, The Daily Dragon Staff, Language Club


■ Bees - Moderate. Bad swelling at the sight of sting. Juniper has never been stung, only knowing of her allergy from allergy testing. Assumes if she gets stung she’ll die after seeing the death scene of a little boy from some old movie.

■ Ukulele

■ Sparse Latin. Scattered words and phrases.


UPDATED 07/11/2019

■ Updated for 2046-47 School Year
■ (recent update)
■ (recent update)

PENDED BY Weasley 3/11/19
ACCEPTED BY ~ Cara ɱк [5/10/2019]
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