I am here looking for anyone who is new to Destiny: The taken King who just has started and not even had the game for seven days yet. For any who has just started I extend my hand out to you for a chance for us to take part in the refer-a-friend event that is in the game. By doing this we both get a chance at free weapons, shaders, emots, sparrows and a emblem to call our own and that is unique in the game as well as a special mission for us to do. For any who has a x-box one and a new copy of taken please send me a message or reply here so we can get things set up for this little event.

Aside from that the thread is also open for Guardians to come in and speak about their favorite aspects of Destiny and tell some old war stories of year one and year two with great achievements done ether in PVE or PVP.