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Ifunci rolled his paw around a couple of times. It no longer hurt, and that was a blessing he would be thankful for every day of his life. When the attacking rogues had broken his leg, the Ahluke had been terrified that he would never be able to hunt again. But now it was as good as new.
“Your leg has healed then, I take it?”
Ifunci turned, dipping his head in greeting to the female approaching. Pale blonde fur shone in the sunlight, the faintest hints of grey around her muzzle. Esasile sat down next to him in the shade, tail curling around her paws.
“Yes. It doesn’t hurt at all anymore.” Ifunci replied. “I should be able to hunt with the other females now.”
Esasile nodded. “I am glad. We will need all the able hunters we have, what with this sudden boon of cubs.” And so many cubs there were. It was a good thing that the prey was running aplenty, else many of them would have starved. Esasile could remember many seasons when few cubs survived at all. But the pride was stronger for it. “Including a litter of brothers and sister of your own, I hear.” The female commented.
Ifunci smiled widely. “A large litter too! I haven’t seen them yet though. But...I’m glad.” The male trailed off, suddenly overwhelmed by the grief of his missing father. Jasiri had served the pride longer than most Inselelo, he’d been told, and Ifunci had grown used to his father’s presence. But now the older male was gone, and Ifunci almost felt as if a part of him was gone with him. “Is it strange that I miss him? My father?”
The female considered the question for a moment before answering. The young Ahluke had been through a lot, and with the disappearance of Gakere and Surtak, Jasiri had been one of the few males Ifunci had to look up to. And Jasiri had taken a good amount of interest in his offspring. Esasile wondered what it would be like for her own son, Dwa, when she was gone and returned to bones. “No. He was your family, as much as your sisters and mothers are. It is a normal thing to miss one’s family when they are gone. Take your time to grieve his absence, but take comfort in knowing his blood lives on in this pride.”
Ifunci nodded. That made sense. And he was so looking forward to being able to meet his little brothers and sisters. Maybe some would even look like him! Not that it would make any difference. Ifunci would love them all the same. Still, Jasiri had been kind to him in a way that Andhaka and Bangizwe would never be able to replicate. He hoped his father was alright, and that he would be able to find a good life out in the roguelands.
The pair sat in silence for a few minutes, listening to the sound of the breeze rustling through the grass. The sound of the herds in the distance were a reminder of good times for the pride. Food was plentiful, the rains were frequent, and some manner of stability had been returned to the ranks.
Esasile could only hope that such trends continued. After the tumultuous events of the past few months, the old lioness was quite ready for a long era of peace. Not to mention the pride was growing fast, not just because of all the new cubs. It seemed as if many wayward females were finding their way into the Bonelands. And not just females. The female cast a glance to the Ahluke out of the corner of her eye. “What of that male you brought back with you” she sniffed, breaking the silence, “The one with the blue mane.” Of all things. Blue.
Ifunci looked up at the female. “What, Sturm?”
“Yes, that one. If the pride had not known you better, we might have thought you were bringing in a challenger.” Esasile jested.
The lion began shaking his head vigorously. “No, no, it’s not like that. Sturm wouldn’t…”
“Hush.” The female silenced him before he could shake his mane off. “I merely tease. He has been a good hunter.” Esasile admitted, thinking back to the Mkhulu. That blue mane was still an ungodly eyesore, but one could not turn away four good helping paws. “You two spend a lot of time together.”
“Um. Yes.” Ifunci’s ears grew hot, and he began shuffling at his paws, scratching little lines into the dirt. He liked Sturm. He was funny and nice. Ifunci was glad that he had brought Sturm into the pride. And immensely glad that the Abaholi had accepted him into it.
The lioness chuckled, swatting at Ifunci’s downturned face with her tail. Ah, what it was to be young. “Come then. Let us not spend the whole day lazing about under a tree. There are far better uses for our time.”
Ifunci scrambled to his paws, straightening up. “Right, yes. Let’s get to it.” He stood at the rady for a moment, chest puffed out. “Um, what are we getting to?”
Esasile huffed in amusement. The Ahluke was eager to please. Not the worst trait for one of his rank. “You say that your leg is healed, that you are able to hunt again. Let us test this claim, shall we.”
“Oh. Sure!” Ifunci was nervous but excited. It would be his first time hunting in a long time. He hoped he hadn’t grown soft during his recovery.
“There is a small gathering of klipspringers to the west of here. It shouldn’t be too hard to bring one down, no?”
Ifunci grinned. “Not hard at all.” The two began trotting in that direction, the male all but bouncing in his steps. “I’ll drive ‘em right down the line faster than a cheetah, straight to your claws!”
Her eyes crinkled as she smiled. If one thing was for sure, it was that the pride would be in good paws once her generation was finally gone. The younger members still needed a fair amount of guidance, but all lions did at their age. “Let us not tarry then. There are many hungry young mouths to feed.” She picked up the pace, breaking out into a slow jog.
Ifunci bounced ahead of her, springing about like a gazelle.
Esasile shook her head. A fair amount of guidance indeed.
