Father's name, image, and owner: Vigoroth User Image, Annchen
Does your SoA have any relatives? Links please!: Nope
If your SoA is part of a pride, is hybrid breeding permitted?: N/A rogue
If your SoA is part of a pride, is rogue breeding permitted/do you have permission if necessary?: rogue

Father's name, image, and owner: Mazi User Image, Annchen
Does your SoA have any relatives? Links please!: Mother and Aunt (purple = mother, blue = aunt) Father Twin
If your SoA is part of a pride, is hybrid breeding permitted?: N/A
If your SoA is part of a pride, is rogue breeding permitted/do you have permission if necessary?: Rogue

Father's name, image, and owner: Kotten User Image, Annchen
Does your SoA have any relatives? Links please!: Father Mother
If your SoA is part of a pride, is hybrid breeding permitted?: N/A familiar
If your SoA is part of a pride, is rogue breeding permitted/do you have permission if necessary?: Yes