Are we beginning to commend ourselves again? Or do we need, like some people, letters of recommendation to you or from you? 2 You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. 3 You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.
4 Such confidence we have through Christ before God. Not that we are competent in ourselves to claim anything for ourselves, but our competence comes from God. He has made us competent as ministers of a new covenant—not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.
- 2nd Letter to the Corinthians, 3:1-6

If there is any term I loath it’s “Biblical”. I do not mean biblical as in it is found in the bible, but biblical as in biblical belief, biblical way of life, or “biblical” Christianity. You may be wondering: do I have a problem with the Bible? No, of course I do not. In fact I have a great respect for the book and the lessons contained in it, even the texts that I do not personally use. Because of this respect, I hate the term “biblical” because it shows a lack of understanding of the text and contempt for Christianity. For those not familiar or have not picked up on this yet: when a church says they are biblical, they are claiming that their church is more correct than other churches and that they can pick verses out of the Bible (often out of any context) to support their theology.

The concept of being biblical is nonsensical at best and a grab for power and authority at worst. I say it is nonsensical because the bible does not have a unified theology, nor does it share one Christian viewpoint. For those that do not know, the bible is a canon of Christian and Jewish literature that was selected to represent the standard of a catholic (universal) Christianity. You might be thinking, “ah ha there is a standard so why can’t there be a biblical”. You would have a point if it were not for the fact that certain texts were selected for the sake of representing the different Christianities that came together to make a universal Christianity.

It is this concept of being “biblical” that has many strings attached like infallible or that the bible is literally something that God told someone to write down and is “God’s Word”. This idea of calling the Bible “God’s Word”, leads to other confusions such as the Bible is some sort of idol that should be followed without question or is correct on any issue of any subject. This concept rejoices in rejecting scientific observations and discoveries we make as a culture and citizens of humanity. For those under the snares of being “biblical”, if something does not conform to a particular understanding of “biblical,” it is unnatural at best and evil at worst. It also means rather than reforming your worldview based on evidence, since your worldview is “biblical”, the evidence must be wrong since your worldview is biblical. How does that work. Well if your worldview is biblical and the Bible is infallible that must mean your worldview is infallible as well. It is madness but it is done unconsciously by those who claim to be biblical.

Now do understand I know this is not all Christians. I know that some Christians recognize that the Bible is a useful tool and that truth is present in the world we live. They do not set the Bible up as an idol. I am not addressing you. I am addressing those that worship the Bible as if it were a god on earth. Those that follow it like a magical tome that has just the right spell to make your struggles on this world in which we live just a little less struggling. And I am especially addressing those that prey on those who do not have the understanding or wisdom to recognize the Bible for what it is; those wicked individuals who take advantage of the confusion of being “Biblical” who grab for power, prestige, or wealth. These alleged teachers who either lack the faith to teach what is true or seek to milk the falsehood for all that they can are part of the problem. The root of the problem arises when good and learned individuals lack the faith to stand with what is true. Either because they fear that what they recognize to be an idol might actually be a god, or more likely, because they fear repercussions they do not speak up. I am not going to lie. There will be repercussions, there will be backlash because the archons do not like those who point out problems with their system but there is one thing that Christianity teaches that you should know in your hearts. Truth cannot be killed, it will resurrect. Or in simple terms life goes on. We learn to live with what we lose and we continue to grow, if we accept what we are losing and keep moving forward with truth. Our God is a living God, a God that grows with truth.

There are other examples of “biblical” that are not this word but other words that carry the same weight, baggage, and vermin. I know you know what those words are in your life and I hope you have the courage to point them out if are not already. I also hope if you do have the faith to point them out, that you continue to do so. Whatever point you are in your life, now is the time to recognize what is important and what is trash that needs to be thrown out. What is your God and what is an idol that you mindlessly worship? Recognizing this is what is essential to living life in the Fullness.