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[ARCHIVE] Thief's Honor, Knight's Pride - WINNER!! ;D Goto Page: [] [<] 1 2

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Romantic Man-Lover

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 6:23 pm

Username: musicaloner7
Name: SorelBoy /OliviaGirl
Role: The Rugged Lone Mercenary
Personality: { will be pretending that the baskets male for the time being.}

Sorel will be a distant sort of male. Typically keeping to himself, and giving off a aura that probably doesn't encourage others to really approach him. He's often found with a disinterested expression, or perhaps slightly furrowed brows that can make it appear that he's "mean" or "angry". Though this can be possible, it's not usually the case. He won't take after his mothers thieving ways, but won't really be against them... unless something of great value is taken from someone. He's a stallion with strong moral's, to which he won't always voice, but will act upon. This can cause possible conflict with his mother, as he may chide her, or butt heads with her. As a foal, he'll be slightly more reserved in acting on his beliefs, simply because he's still learning about the world, and about others and how they work/process given situations. But as he grows he'll become more firm in taking action. Though he's not really a hero sort, not one to go out and find lost soquili on a whim, he will be of use should he be asked for good reason, such as if a family approaches him with need of protection from some sort of other herd that's giving them heck. If he finds their situation to be in need of his assistance, he will join in.
Because of his stand-offish attitude, Sorel doesn't make friends easily. He doesn't mind some company, but he won't stick around company he's not fond of. Perhaps this can come across as rude to some but... when he doesn't particularly like someone, he's not one to 'grin and bear' being around them. Rough around the edges is the best way you could pinpoint him.

Would you like to have your foal part of the Death in the Family plot? there's really not enough information about the plot for me to really have any idea of whether I'd like to participate in it or not. { No idea who Beelzebub is, what they're like, how they'd treat the foal, etc.} I'd need more information and details about it before committing.

Tradition: Maybe a "Gathering of Knights" ceremony? where all family members come together, like family reunion of sorts? Perhaps it could also involve contests in the various realms they have; sparring, racing, etc. Just as a way to keep close to each other, and so the little ones can learn more about their roots.

Prompt Response { prompt 2. I'll be using one of my own Soq for this briefly, too. }

It truly seemed that he'd been born at the most opportune time for new life to be shown the world. Everything else seemed to be flourishing from the slumber that had been winter months prior, and even little ones of other fauna and flora were all abound and springing up over the refreshed lands. Because of that, Sorel was able to learn quite a lot about the world he was now apart of. There was so much to see... so much to log into memory, but the quiet colt absorbed what he was taught to his best ability. It was an interesting place, this world... and still so much more he'd not yet seen. Stories told of far off lands intrigued the youth, letting the imagination take it as fuel to light brighter, and create an even more elaborate tapestry. This would certainly come in handy during playtime, letting a scene unfold before his very eyes as he would act out roles from the tales he'd heard. Most of his play would be carried out in private... a bit too embarrassed to do so in front of his parents or siblings the older he got. Or it would be dimmed down to him simply bounding about, and racing along the open fields , or darting about the obstacles that were towering tree's and their heavy overhanging canopy's.

Weaving about the thick woods was always enthralling. It was great practice of how to be on high alert, and wary of your surroundings even if they were dense and concentrated. He wasn't a graceful foal, to be sure, fresh legs still getting the best of him at times, but he gained better control the older he became, and the stronger he got. Those chocolaty brown eyes of his would flicker about like dragonfly's, darting one area to the next, nostrils flaring to scent the air, and snorting softly as he'd watched his father do times before. Sorel found himself doing just that as he casually strolled through a nearby forest at a very leisurely pace. He also had to remember to simply appreciate the beauty that he was given the chance to be graced with, small ears swiveling and perking as birds sung and zipped about overhead of him. At times he would simply watch their antic's, same for bugs and other creatures he'd run into; observing them to learn of their habits. Squirrels, he found, to be probably the most exhausting of them all to watch! so hyper active, and frantic.. and all twitchy... at times they made him uneasy from how sporadic they could behave. But for now, his sights were set on something else... something far more pleasing.

A bed of flowers.

In the few weeks of his life, Sorel had found he had a strong affinity for these innocent, harmless lives. They were appealing in both sight and smell. Often times the young stallion would lay beside them, just to enjoy their perfumes wafting into the tumbling breeze, that danced about and ruffled his short mane. It was during these moments that he showed a more content expression, perhaps even calm! rather than the flat, stoic look that often contorted his features. It was a guilty pleasure, really, flowers were... something he was embarrassed for others to know about, a secret all to himself. There were wild petunia's, inpatients, tulips, and daffodils all sprouted up, waving and swaying together under the light press of the passing winds. Sorel admired their dainty appearance, and silent state, appreciating their company from most. They weren't annoying chatters, or loud obnoxious individuals who just liked to talk for attention or to hear their own voices. No, these darling flora were mute, but kept loneliness abated for the little colt when ever he was around them.

Gingerly, his neck lowers to brush just the edge of his nose against some of the tender flower heads, nostrils enlarging faintly to inhale their aroma, and enjoy their smooth surfaces. It even coaxed out a mild, vague smile from Sorel, his mood increasing already from the rigidness it could hold during the day around others. But how could he remain uptight when these little lovelies were in his midst's? Ever so carefully, Sorel eased down onto his belly, legs tucking underneath him, head tipping so he could remain close to the tops of the flowers. They would brush against his snout as they were faintly ruffled by the breeze that would pass by from time to time, but he didn't mind. And slowly the colt found himself easing into a state of rest, eyes closing, ears folding back, lulled by the tranquility of his chosen spot.

However it was not to last long. Just minutes after he had declined into a peaceful mode, a foreign scent reached him. Instantly, his eye lids flipped open, and ears flicked straight upwards. Another soquili... and one he didn't recognize. He'd been warned of strangers, the dangers that came with them, which he took very seriously. With a single movement, he was up on his hooves, standing strong, and tall, his nostrils flaring, and inhaling sharply to gain a better direction of the scents trail. But sound reached his alert sensor's, making his ears swivel to aim right at it, head snapping to get a better look as well. His body tensed, bracing himself, eyes unblinking, staring... waiting...

A figure... it was hard to identify, under the shade of the tree tops above, but it was large. It clinked too, in a similar fashion his father did when his metals would bump or brush something, or even creaked when taking a step; such as the brace on his leg. Another knight...? His answer was presented once the foreigner stepped into the small clearing. A broad, very well built male stood there before him, clad in heavy metal armor, coated in a shiny deep red, and gold trim paint. The stranger was impressive, not only in stature, but demeanor. Those pair of pale white eyes stared right down at little Sorel intently, returning the exact same sort of expression that the small colt possessed. Their gaze remained locked... But Sorel moved defensively in front of the flower patch he'd become fond of, blocking the other male from stepping onto them. The gesture made the adult snort firmly, and lift his head higher to assume a taller position... gaze narrowing faintly at the bold foal. But he stepped forward anyway... advanced slowly, his steps heavy with his large build, and additional weight that he held proudly. Sorel held true... teeth clenching behind his lips, his breath slightly more shallow as he prepared for... what ever might come...

But the massive warhorse stopped just before the youngster, took a deep breath, and wuffed hot air right onto his face, making Sorel's eyes squint... but not close. He refused to budge... and in retaliation, even gave a snort in return to the buffed male. Seemingly to be at least slightly surprised by the response, the full grown stallion gave a crooked brow to the determined youth... debated something internally, and turned his body to continue onwards around the flowers and their protector.
Sorel turned his head very slowly, to watch and wait until the passerby made it all the way deep into the woods, ear still listening to the thudding of those huge hooves, and the clinking of thick metal. But once it was out of range only then did he give a scan of the area, before looking down to the flowers he had put himself infront of to guard. And once more that rare, ghost of a smile returned.

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 8:44 pm
Username: Nyhility
Name: Black Swan [Boy] / Noir Swan [Girl]
An entertaining play on names:
  • Taking on the Grandmother's maiden name.
  • The main coat color of the foal.
  • Foreshadowing to the 'Black Swan Theory' in that surprising events/plots will soon affect the entire family.

Role: The Tinkering Extricator. (explained below)
As a youth still living in the herd, Swan is a bright-eyed and adventure-seeking individual. Settling in the middle spectrum between the parent's professions, Swan takes a keen interest in the shiny objects that come with knighthood. Not enough to steal the items, mind you, but enough to compare and analyze their features all day long. Have a shoulder guard that is too loose? Swan is on that in an instant, muttering about how to better fasten the ties or size up the metal to the muscle. Of course as a child though, these are all speculations that Swan could only comment on. Being too small to carry most objects, and without the prehensile aid of a Familiar, Swan is left with nothing more than to take notes and stare fondly at the objects of his/her obsession. When it comes to being the eldest of the siblings, at first the implications of such a responsibility are easily ignored. Afterall, what more can a youth care for when you're safely guarded by adults and too busy having fun with your siblings?

When captured by Beelzebub, young Swan is forced to undergo intense changes to survive. It could be said that the stallion used force to spirit the foal away, or had used trickery to lure the youth. (Such as claiming to be an uncle by the matching hair and eyes, sickly and in need of help.) Whatever the case may be, Swan eventually realizes the true beast that the adult is. However, brave attempts to escape are futile, as Beelzebub's cruel Familiars constantly hinder Swan's efforts. One such effort punishes Swan enough to nearly become deaf, and with that sense gone the youth finally becomes a defeated pawn for Beelzebub to mold. Over time, Swan becomes near schizophrenic in behavior through the following two traits: Auditory hallucinations are a normal occurancy, and Swan often has a difficult time knowing if it's someone talking nearby or just his own thoughts keeping him/her company. Having a corpse of a captor and solitary life sets a low standard for personal maintence, and Swan begins to unwittingly resemble Beelze's sloppy appearance.

Among all these deteriorating changes one thing holds firm for Swan; hope. Home is dearly missed, and freedom is not going to arrive in the form of his/her parents. And while this both confuses and hurts Swan, it is enough motivation to finally push the young adult forward. Not only as a Soquili of Knighthood, but also as finally becoming a responsible older sibling. It is obvious that Beelze is hellbent on bringing ruin to Swan's family, although the details are well guarded from the offspring. Knowing that escape will be easily stalked by the Avian Familiar, Swan seeks freedom in a route far from home, hoping to keep danger away from the family. But whether Swan is successful, or simply being pulled further along in Beelze's schemes is yet to be seen...

((Final Temper: Obligated))

Would you like to have your foal part of the Death in the Family plot? YES!!!

-Gear By Birthright-
Upon Swan's return to the herd, confusion, hope, and even denial were the emotions (s)he was welcomed with. It wasn't until the adult revealed the trinket they had been holding onto their whole life that validation was obtained, slowly but surely. It was the tiny orb that had been fastened to Swan's basket, and had been a cherished item for the young foal to play with. Since then, the herd takes pride in saving the orbs of all their offspring, fastening them into necklaces with the thin wicker of their baskets. The item marks the celebration for new life, and that no matter what one's rank may be, that their greatest strength will always be home.

Prompt Response
Prompt 1 - The Trials ((written as male identity))

"Cael? Cael!"

The stallion's legs nearly gave out as he turned his head, just in time to spot his sibling vanish over the edge of the hilltop. Racing forward, it was no small miracle that Swan didn't tumble over the edge himself as he held his breath, not knowing what he'd see on the forest floor below. It felt like ice had settled in his veins, locking him in place as he strained his eyes to locate his sibling in the labyrinth of aged tree roots and untamed foliage. Having no way of hearing the other for confirmation or cries of help did little to comfort the male. It was only until he noticed a shiver in the leaves below that he exhaled and began mapping out a route that he should take to reach the other. "Malyn, go ahead of me. Stay in sight." Not needing to be told twice, a small squirrel popped up from behind Swan's shoulder. With a twitch of her nose and a speedy descent down the stallion's leg toward the other sibling, the Familiar was gone within seconds.

By the time Swan had reached safe and level ground, his sibling was already poking out from between the bushes, staring curiously at the bickering squirrel hanging in the trees. So far so good, no sight or smell of blood anywhere on the sibling. However, as Swan trotted closer and the two Soquili made eye contact he knew he was in for a world of trouble. Furrowed brows from his younger sibling had become a quick and negative trait he learned from day one. "
Took you long enough, I was only waiting around as a courtesy to you."And while Swan could see the moving lips and was hinted to their catty comments by body language, he could only shake his head with a heated sigh. "Hey, not my fault that you tripped on thin air. And you know that doesn't work for me. If you have something to say, then say it to my face." He had to admit that the blood that rushed to Cael's face was nearly comic enough to earn a grin, until the other attempted to do just as he dared. But when Cael stepped forward, all bets were off as (s)he lurched and nearly toppled on a lame leg. Swan bent forward, mouth hanging on a question before Cael glared at him in a manner that demanded space.
Although, the heated glare of a sibling was a minor fear compared to other glares he had received in his lifetime.

"Heh, you're really quite infuriating. Do you know that?" Skirting along their hooves, Malyn sniffed warily at Cael's leg, before marching her way over to Swan and climbing her way back to her regular post between his comfy ears.
"Says who? A scruffy rogue like you?" The younger sibling scoffed and took a step forward, grimacing but continuing on without hesitance. If any message was to get across, individuals normally had to be right beside Swan's ear. A bothersome waste of time, but Cael didn't mind at a chance to have the final word. "It is a knight's strength that carries me on, aches be damned. 'Sides, you think I'm going to let you out of my sight that easily? You still have your trial to finish, and it is my duty to see that you finish them through."

Swan leaned away and shook his unruly mane as he sneered; unwanted emotions buzzing in his head like disturbed hornets. "Duty, you say?" It was a familiar word to the stallion, having heard plenty of it from another adult. But hearing that word and seeing it in action were two entirely different things. "And yet you weren't strong enough to find me. Or mom sly enough to steal me back." A sting to his left ear brought him back to the present, and Swan wiped the anger that was curling his lip and festering his tone. A glance over at his sibling, and Swan knew that the other was taking notes. After all, his presence back in the herd was still a tender subject not welcomed by everyone. And it was revelations like those that passed his mind in an irritated fury, leading to childish outbursts that while he was free to make now, still were an unbecoming habit. "Look.....I'm sorry. Alright?"

But how was he to further explain? Expecially to the most doubtful of both his siblings, no less. The truth of the matter was, that deep in his core Swan was still hurt. Returning to a family punctured with unease and denial, and then expected to fulfill their expectations without fail? While he loved his kin dearly, he was still filled to the brim with the influences of that wicked stallion. Intolerance, hesitation, and fear were constant driving forces for Swan....and in some way, he welcomed them. If nothing more, they served him in one way that he felt his family lacked and thus betrayed him with. Motivation. That single, key trait would be Swan's purpose for the rest of his life. And with it, he would make certain that no one else would suffer the same capture as himself. Family or not, Swan would do everything in his power to extricate others from harms way.

His first example of this would be with his dear sibling. Tilting his head with a quirked grin, he stepped up beside the other and flicked his tail out in a benign manner. "C'mon then, lil Cae'. Let's wrap this up so we can head home. Get some bandages for your leg, hm? Maybe even browse over the latest trinkets in the armory collection too."

Yes, there was still hope for him yet.

Thank you for the opportunity! Good luck everyone! *o*  


Shy Seeker


Eloquent Hunter

PostPosted: Sun May 12, 2013 9:02 pm
And CLOSED for judging! We'll make a post as soon as we have decided the winner! * ^*
Which is going to be so hard to do you guys oh my goodness all these wonderful entries! ; ^;
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:12 am

Wow... just... wow. No words can properly express how pleased, honored, excited, and thrilled Leo and I were to see so many amazing entries for this contest. Judging was not an easy job--it required many AIM and text convos full of "Can't we have all? Can't we do multiple here? CAN WE JUST MAGICALLY HAVE MORE FOALS IN THAT ONE BASKET? Shhh it can totally be a clown car."--but finally after nit-picking and weighing out some of the tiniest details, we've picked our winner.


Tirokio // Edlun Boy / Meridah Girl


You have amazed us with not only personality presented, but also the additional plot ideas you've offered in your response. We felt your plots really added an extra impact to the plots around this specific basket, which became the splitting-hairs final aspect of our decision. Congratulation and welcome to the family!


HOWEVER. We are not done yet!

As I said, we had to get into hair splitting to make our decision, we were that torn over things here. Below are the runner ups! We invite you to the family as well, should you desire, in that we welcome you to custom in younger children of Edana and Samual! We would love it if you brought your character ideas to life through this means, but if you would rather go with another idea, please by all means tell us!

Those runner ups are:

Hanging Gallow

hanging gallow




To those quoted

If you happen to have AIM, please PM me your sn? We have a family blast chat recently made--as in, just as this contest started--and we're in the process of trying to get everyone in who has ties to the family on a whole to make plotting easier. If you're interested in joining in, we'd love to have you in on the chat! :3

Same goes if you have an extended family member. I am fully aware we're missing a lot of people and I've yet to start contacting people on a whole so heeeeey.... >> <<


Thank you, thank you, for making this such a success! We beg all of you to please join us in these plots--and others, to-come and brand spanking new!--however possible. We would love to plot and Rp with all of you, and truly hope we can drag you into shenanigans somehow! As they say, the more, the merrier, and you've all more than proved you've got amazingly fun ideas we'd love to steal play with in you in <333


Unsealed Gatekeeper


PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 11:32 am
Congrats Tirokio! heart  
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:11 pm
Grats tirokio, and runners up.  


Peaceful Demigod


Shy Seeker

PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:13 pm
Congrats Tirokio!

And thank you, Leo and Kail for inviting others into the family! <333
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 12:48 pm
EEE gratz tiro biggrin

And thank you Leo and Kailey!!! <3

stella cinere

Ice-Cold Codger


PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 2:49 pm
congrats Tiro!

and thank you Leo and Kailey smile  
PostPosted: Mon May 13, 2013 3:59 pm
Oh my gosh ** Thank you everyone! As well as congrats to those listed, I'll have to keep my eye out if any of you custom in! <33  


Kawaii Fairy

12,000 Points
  • Elysium's Gatekeeper 100
  • Bunny Spotter 50
  • Cool Cat 500

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