Kaji Sarutobi
~The never dying albino flame~

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[ P e r s o n a l - D a t a ]

Full Name:Kaji Sarutobi Hyuuga

Famous Shinobi Name: The never dying albino flame

Gender: Female

Age: 15

Birth Date: June 17

Loyalty: To the Konohagakure village and her friends

Goal: To become the best jounin she can be

Nindo: "My heart shall burn like the never ending flames of my soul."

Homeland: Konoha

Current Residence:
A cherry blossom tree in the village

Title: Genin

Clan: none that she knows of

Kekkei Genkai:

Personality/Mannerism: Kaji is a passionate girl, dedicated to whatever her mind set up to. She can be a sweet person, unless you get on her bad side and can be cynical. She is pretty respectful and a fan of the wild. Loves to stay in touch with nature and her close ones. She is a little hard headed and stubborn, sometimes even a trouble maker. Not afraid

Facial Features: looks like she has a delicate porcelain skin, her blue almost white eyes full of light from the Hyuuga clan.

Physique: she is quite petite, yet has a well proportioned body. Looks weak but full of strong bones, making her more heavier than she looks.

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 125 lbs.

Personal Skill: is a great hunter and likes to paint but only works out doors.

Favorite Food/Drink: meat

Least Favorite Food: carrots

Likes: fire, nature, hunting, weapons, eating and painting

Dislikes: water, cold, killing for fun, slacking off and girly things

[ C o m b a t - D a t a ]

Special Tactic/Skills: due to hunting, she has a great ability at aiming at an opponent during movement of the mentioned, besides making strategy during pressure.

Battle Strength: she is flexible, fast, a good strategist and sneaky. Also great at shooting kunais and shurikens due to her hunting skills.

Battle Weakness: not so resistant in close combat.

[ T e c h n i q u e - D a t a ]

Chakra Color: red

Elemental Alignments:


Jutsu Knowledge:

Primary Type: ninjutsu, kenjitsu

Secondary Type: Iryo ninjutsu

Tertiary Type: Summoning jutsu, fuuinjutsu

Total Jutsu Points:
Each Rank Has a Number Value. Add them all up (or a mod can).
E: 1 Point
D: 2 Points
C: 3 Points
B: 4 Points
A: 5 Points
S: 8 Points
SS: 12 Points

Kekkei Genkai Jutsu:

• Kawarimi no Jutsu - Change of Body Stance Technique ~ E Rank
Kawarimi no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu. When in danger the ninja will quickly substitute themself with another nearby object. This can be a block of wood or even another person. This allows the ninja to quickly flee and hide while the original object takes the brunt of their opponents attack.

• Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Technique ~ E Rank
Henge no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu which every ninja learns at the Ninja Academy. Henge allows the ninja to transform themselves into any person or object. This allows the ninja to move with stealth or to trick their opponents.

• Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill ~ E Rank
Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.

• Kinobori no Waza - Act of Tree Climbing ~ E Rank
Kinobori no Waza, the art of tree climbing serves a dual purpose. Taking part in Kinobori Shugyou (Tree Climbing Training) helps a ninja learn how to focus their chakra. It also teaches the ninja how to run up trees and walk on vertical walls. The training helps the ninja learn how to focus just the right amount of chakra to a particular part of their body. The amount needed to climb is small but it must be precise. The feet are regarded as the hardest location to master chakra focusing. So by gaining the art of this skill, the ninja will have any jutsu available (theoretically) because they will be able to focus their chakra as needed.

• Suimen Hokou no Waza - Act of Water Surface Walking ~ E Rank
A variation on the Kinobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing), the art of water surface walking allows a ninja to walk on water as if it was a solid surface. Focusing an even amount of chakra out of the soles of their feet, they can balance themselves on the very surface of the water.






Iryo Ninjutsu

Summoning Jutsu:

[ E q u i p m e n t - D a t a ]

Headband Location: hips

Headband Style:

Clothing: same as pic only adding the headband

Cherished Items: a certain kunai that has her father's initials carved on the side.

Special Weapons: none

Shinobi Weapons:


[ H i s t o r i c a l - D a t a ]

Family Member(s): all deceased

Friends: none yet

Enemies: none yet

Romantic relationships: none yet

Religious philosophy:none

Political/social philosophy: "No matter the difference, we must work as a family to surpass the obstacles. "

Background: Kaji was one of the twins from the Sarutobi family. With a deceased mother and twin brother, her father took care of her.Besides never telling her she was part of the hyuuga clan he taught her how to survive hunting her food and living on natural resources. She admired him deeply, she wanted to become a ninja like him, to be a jounin. One day when she was 7, he went on a dangerous mission. Knowing he wouldn't return from it, he left her his personal kunai and some of his weapons. Leaving to meet his demise. Ever since then, Kaji has been surviving and learning the way of the shinobi, to become the best jounin she can be, just like her father.

Theme Song:
Born for this