This thread is for knight-order characters who are wishing to change their weapon and/or magic, as well as get their future summons power approved. This thread is for fully stamped/accepted quest characters only. If you are looking for current, arted characters please go to this thread here!



Current Weapon: A fair sized metallic bowl filled with water.
New Weapon: A stave made out of ash wood, carved all over with star patterns painted many colors of the rainbow.

Current Magic: Bimini must use his hand to splash some of the water out at the target. The target will receive a minor burst of energy or if they are injured a slight dulling of pain ((similar in strength to vicodin)). For the most part this can be used up to three times, depending on how much water has been spilled via other movement. The bowl can also be thrown or used as a shield in a last ditch effort.
New Magic: Bimini will sweep out his stave and what looks like a rainbow of starbursts appears over the target, colored like the stars on his stave. Slowly the starbursts fade into the skin of the person targeted and if they are injured, will dull the pain slightly. If they move too quickly while the stars are fading they might be blown away and not be as effective.

Summons Creature: A white buck.
Summons Ability: Lowering his head the antlers of the buck may either be used as a shield or can be used to have the buck charge Bimini's indicated target as a distraction.

[size=14][b]PUT YOUR WONDER NAME HERE[/b][/size]

[b]Current Weapon:[/b] What do you have currently?
[color=blue][b]New Weapon:[/b] Put info here as to what you will have![/color]

[b]Current Magic:[/b] What do you have currently?
[color=blue][b]New Magic:[/b] Put info here as to what you will have![/color]

[b]Summons Creature:[/b]
[b]Summons Ability:[/b]