To be honest, I'm not really looking forward to the holidays this year... emo
However, one thing I do love about this time of year is an excuse to buy gifts for ALL my furries and wrap them. I especially like seeing their excitement when they see the pile of gifts under the tree. Rascal use to KNOW it was that time of year when the tree went up and snoop the house for gifts (R.I.P)

So...what are you planning for your furries this christmas?
Do their gifts get wrapped? Do they unwrap them themselves?

Do be sure to add pictures and videos, and I'd sure love it if you got some shots of your kids this year to update us on how they liked their gifts.


As for me. Well once again I have a tight budget...well, actually I have no budget, I'm starting off my shopping already in debt. I was unable to get more hours at work but I'm looking at some other options to bring in some quick cash while I'm off school.

Cowboy just LOVES to unwrap gifts, and so, I was planning on getting him some Sasha's Blend and wrapping it. Since it's something he needs lol. But I will still get him a cheap lil toy or teddy so he has something to play with and more to unwrap. He really liked a stuffed reindeer from my old store. Luckily I have lots of freebies from our November show to stuff his stocking with.

Blaze and Aida 's gifts get wrapped too. I got them a couple treats at the November show, I got them a new house and a carboard bird toy that I of course already gave them cause I couldn't wait gonk But I still have some veggies cookies and a piniata toy. So I will put a cookie each in a box and wrap it for them. Aida might be getting surgery this that's sort of a gift in itself. sweatdrop I'd like to make them a tree again, they quite liked that in the past. It is likely that this is Aida's last christmas, so...I wana go all out.

This is my first xmas without my lil man Rascal. So, I want to do something for him. I'm still hoping to get my tattoo before xmas as a gift to him. I also want to hang his stocking maybe do something special with it.

A very furry christmass