User ImageThe night was cool, calm, and almost perfect. The stars out twinkling in the dark of the sky, easy to out in the desert where they were. Gunju glaceed down at the lioness laying next to him, her back upon the sandy ground, and her eyes gazing up at the night sky. He smiled softly before looking back towards the sky. “Things will never be the same.” he said mostly to himself, but also to her. She was perfect, even if she had caused him so much trouble before. Things had changed when his friend had cubs. Everything had become more clear to him.

“Rashida,” he started. He could recall everything that had happened, and why she had treated him the way that she did. He hadn't realized it before, how could he? She really didn't make it easy for him. “Why didn't you just tell me?” He asked her. She had been rude to him, made fun of him, and called him things that only someone who hated him might say, but he found out the truth of it. She was scared... Scared of telling him anything, and the only way she knew how to keep it to herself was to treat him badly. He didn't understand at first, but it soon became clear to him.

He looked back at her. He noticed her smile had faded away, though her eyes spoke to him, as if to say that she was still happy. Maybe she was thinking on her answer? Or she couldn't come up with one. Gunju had confronted her after Kousetsu told him. He wanted to know the truth, and he found it. Rashida hadn't spoken to him for a while after that... Until tonight.

User ImageRashida looked at him, her teal eyes into his deep blue eyes. She didn't know what to say, she had been mad at him. No, not at him, but she took it out on him. She signed, “I can't begin to say.” All this time she tried to hide her feelings from him. Even treated him like something she shouldn't have done. No, she should have just come out and told him. She wasn't like that though, she was tough, she was a trickster, and many more things. She wasn't, however, a romantic. She rolled over to her belly, some sand stuck to her fur, but other bits rolled off when she moved.

“I guess I was scared you wouldn't return them” She said to him. Honest as she could, it was another reason, but not the full reason. She just didn't know how to tell him. “I wasn't mad at you.” She told him finally. He had been waiting to hear that, she knew, and now she could tell him. It hurt her to think that he ever thought she didn't talk to him because she was mad. Embarrassed was more like it. She didn't know what to do. What if he rejected what she wanted to say? Though, seeing as how it was now, she knew that wouldn't have happened. If only she did then. She'd have to apologize to Kousetsu.

That was something for later, for now... She just wanted to relax and be near him. He was the only thing that made sense to her now. However, she'd never stop tricking him into things that'd make other's laugh, and she knew he knew that. Did he accept it? She hoped he did. Though, if he didn't, this wouldn't be happening.

“Oh”Gunju didn't know what else to say. He knew exactly how that was. He hadn't been exactly the brightest lion, or the most handsome. In fact, he was kinda chunky, and got in the way of others. He also sucked at hunting. He found that out the hard way. He also found out, from that hunting trip, that Rashida had feelings for him. Even if she didn't exactly express it the way that most did. Kousetsu, a dear friend, had made that clear enough. At first, it seemed less clear.

“I'm sorry.” he told her. He didn't know why he was apologizing, except the fact that he, himself, could have also told her how he felt. Despite all the rude comments, all the jokes she did on him, all the bullying, he still cared for her. She was beautiful, more beautiful than the stars above. She was something he wish he could have always had. At first, he hated himself for liking her. He hated her for making him like her... Well, no really that part, but he did beat himself over it every time he saw her. He didn't know how she could ever accept him. He was... useless.

“You have no reason to be sorry” She told him with a giggle. It was true, he had done nothing for him to apologize to her. The wind blew gently, and she knew this day would be the day that could never be forgotten, a day where her dreams were more real then anything. They were right here. She had Kousetsu to thank. No matter how mad she got at that lioness, she had to thank her.... She made this all come true. Silly as that was.

“Well, does it matter now?” She asked him curiously. “I mean, we're here, everything in the past can't be changed” She told him. Not that she would want things to change, if they did, would those two be there right then? Or would something else have happened? She didn't want to think about it. She looked back up to the stars.

“They make life seem so peaceful” She said mostly to herself, but she didn't mind having him hear. Not anymore, anyways. They made their peace, and they were together now... At least she thought they were. They'd have their wedding, so to speak, soon enough. Her tail flicked off to the side, causing a bit of sand to come up with it.

“I suppose it doesn't,” Gunju said, finally coming to terms with everything. Things happened rather crazy earlier in the day, and fast. He was finally feeling like this was real. They were the only two here now, and they could enjoy eachother's company alone. The stars watched over them, and that was the only eyes upon them. At least, that's what he could tell.

Everyone seemed to be happy that they were finally together, as if everyone in the pride knew but them. It was an odd thing to think about. Maybe they saw stuff that neither of them could see? He didn't know. He looked back up at the stars as she spoke. “Life is peaceful, now” He said with a nod. Though, they did make him feel better about things. If he was ever in doubt, he'd just look at the stars and ask them questions in his mind. Of course, he'd have to wait until night came for that to work.

“Stars seem to tell us the past, present, and future.” He added to their little conversation. “Maybe they knew this was going to happen, and helped point us in the right direction. “ He knew exactly who did point them in the right direction, but maybe the stars helped them see. They were magical, stars.... Everything about them was wonderful. He didn't know why, but he didn't let the moment pass.

“You're a romantic” Rashida told him. Her smile was back upon her face, now she was sitting next to him. Her gaze on the stars ended as she stood up. “We should get some sleep.” She told him with a nod. “We have.... an interesting day tomorrow,” Things would be quite different indeed “I don't think we need to go into that sleepy.” she told him with a laugh. The night was still young, but they did have to get up quite early indeed.

Gunju stood soon after, wordless, but he started moving. They were going back to his den for the night, and they'd figure out what to do from there on. It was what was best, and what was going to happen, he had no idea. Things were going to fall into place nicely, was all he could guess.. He smiled and Rashida followed.