In the wake of massive international outcry, Somalian President Sharif Ahmed has faced wave after wave of condemnations. Traditionally only other African countries and a few Middle Eastern countries have expressed outrage over the event, but recently pressures from Europe and the West have skyrocketed in the light of potential conflict with the nation of Iran. Giving into the demands of the international committees, mainly the most recent United Nations summit, President Ahmed has vowed to crack down on all rebels within his nation and stop the frequent occurrence of Somali pirates ceasing the ships of private owners and foreign nations.

What President Ahmed and the international world did not know was just how large the faction of Somali rebels is. Of the roughly 9.3 million residents of Somalia, approximately 63% (5.6 million) identify largely with the rebel faction with at least half of the remaining population being sympathetic to the rebel cause. As such, when President Ahmed announced his plan to use the Somali military to subdue the rebels there was mass outcry and rebels, both civilian and military, took to the streets in protest. President Ahmed, already using the last of the loyal sectors of the military to keep his residence and several routes to the closest airport, as well as the airport, has decided that it is best to resign his position and leave the country to restore peace. Instead of simply letting him go, however, the Somali rebels have demanded blood for blood and attempt to at least gain control of the airport and President Ahmed's residence on a daily basis. This is where we come in.

In dire need of security and safe passage out of his country and to his destination, the friendly nation of Chad, President Ahmed has contacted the DLCC requesting air support and escort services immediately. The mission has been approved by HQ and the Air Commodore and the following mission outline has been created.

Opposing Force Strength

- At least 2 million rebel troops armed with largely conventional arms, equally divided between forces attacking the President's residence and the President's airfield.
- At least 500 thousand anti-air trained troops equipped with shoulder-fired anti-air rockets and a small number of SAM sites and AA guns.
- Highly probable appearance of rebel-sympathetic aircraft from rebel-allied nations such as Iran (seeking to disrupt chances of Western and European involvement in the Gulf Coast), South Sudan, and (to a lesser extent) Ethiopia.

Allied Force Summary

- 1 Dassault Falcon style (HU-25 Guardian)Presidential aircraft containing President Sharif Ahmed, his family, and his top advisers.
- 1 Squadron from the DLCC for escort and in-air refueling.
- 1 Squadron from the DLCC for quick response anti-air and anti-ground.
- Air Defense System of the nation of Chad once all aircraft are within the nation's boarders.

The mission will begin with Alpha squadron approaching the nation of Somalia from the Gulf Coast after refueling. Upon going feet dry (being over land), Alpha will split into two groups. The A-10 section will head for the President's residence and provide air support as the President is moved towards the airfield. At the same time the F-22 section will secure air superiority over the President's airfield. It is expected that at least one squadron of enemy helicopters will be at the airfield and be lightly armed. They do not pose much of a threat to allied air forces, but could easily destroy the President's aircraft or worse...destroy the President.

Once the target is on the President's aircraft and the aircraft is airborne, the entirety of Alpha squadron will return to base to rearm fully while the escort element of Bravo Squadron will move in to fly security around President Ahmed's aircraft. No less than 20,000 feet above the escort section of Bravo, the refueling section of Bravo will follow the President and his escorts, descending only twice during the flight from Somalia to Chad to refuel all aircraft except for the President's aircraft. Before the first descent, at the absolute latest but preferably far before, the entirety of Alpha squadron will regroup with Bravo squadron and the President's plane. This is expected to occur as the aircraft cross from Somali to Ethiopia.

Once the President's aircraft has crossed into the nation of Chad and is well behind the nation's defense system the DLCCAF deployed forces will return to their home base and mission status will be determined as the facts are reviewed.

Mission Start

All personnel will start at the DLCC base. All personnel must report in to the Air Commodore before any birds are in the air.