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    Siyo was not one of the nicest lions in the kusini. In fact, many might argue that he wasn't the usual shade of 'kusini cranky' that a lot of the royal blood carried. He was down right vicious most times, and there for left alone. For a brief while in time he'd been gone from the pride, and on his return he'd been what seemed like a different lion entirely! Kind, considerate... but as it turned out he'd just bumped his head fairly hard while journeying and his memories had long since returned.

    There was no reason for his nasty behavior, but sometimes that was just life. Many didn't understand why he was even in the lands still, but the stand-in king was his grandfather. Many whispered that maybe he was plotting something...

    As for Siyo, there were no such thoughts. He simply had no where else to go, what was the point? He moved along the borders of the land, sighing deeply.