Okay, so for some people, you already know about these two things, but for others, it may be new.

Rocky Horror Shows His Heels was the working title/story for the sequel to The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It was written, to the best of my knowledge, in 1978, and included many songs that were featured in Shock Treatment. But due to many budget cuts, unavailable actors, and what was believed to be an unfavorable story line, Richard O'Brien re-wrote Rocky Horror Shows His Heels, and it became The Brad and Janet Show. Due to the actors strike in America at the time they were going to begin filming, and unavailable actors, they could not put the movie in the setting the Richard O'Brien wanted, which was a small town in America. So he quickly rewrote the film so it would be staged in a studio, and moved it to the UK, and called it Shock Treatment, which in reality is the same script as The Brad and Janet Show (no difference at all, I've read it), but only some setting changes.

Then, a few years later, Richard O'Brien wrote another followup to The Rocky Horror Picture Show titled Revenge of the Old Queen. The film was scrapped, and only a couple of songs recorded. The only one ever heard in the public was "The Moon Drenched Shores of Transylvania". To the best of my knowledge, it is a sequel to The Rocky Horror Picture Show, not Rocky Horror Shows His Heels, nor is it a sequel to Shock Treatment.

Just recently I found the unofficial script to Revenge of the Old Queen. Although it is unofficial, I have found it in more than one place, so it may be reliable. I haven't found the script to Rocky Horror Shows His Heels though, and if I find it, I'll post it. As for now, I'll just give you the script for Revenge of the Old Queen, for those who wish to read it.

Revenge of the Old Queen: http://www.rockymusic.org/showdoc/revenge-of-the-old-queen.php[/

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