As you know, Kameo's Castle is very strict about attendance policies. We do not want people in our guild who do not intend upon being a part of this guild. This is a list of everyone who has little to no posts, or hasn't been active for a good chunk of time. If you are on this list, and believe that there was a mistake of some kind, please notify Yanatareo with a reason of why your name should be removed. If you are a second time violator, we will check to see if you've even been on since we last sent you a warning, and if you haven't we are a little bit lax about that kind of stuff. Some people in the guild, we know are busy with stuff in the real world, and they are still making a good effort of being active in the guild as much as they can!

Remember: We do not send out a third warning - we delete you!

Inactivity records:

MiyakuLen ~ January 23
Kiroku_Vrykolakas ~ January 23