Because there are going to be a few odd terms used in future RPs, I decided to make this glossary so people would have an easy reference point to look up these terms. I'll add more to this list as time goes on and it becomes necessary to update. If you have something you might want to add, please respond in the OOC thread.

(The) 3 Devils of Creation – So named for the heretical, destructive, and often morally compromising ‘arts’ that they dared to master, the most anyone usually knows about them is the name, not even the reason they are given it. None of them have been seen or spoken of for generations, and they are believed to have perished at the end of the Zeboim era. Archangel Gabriel has gone to extraordinary lengths to cover up any information about them, and those who have been able to learn of their existence are usually met with the unsatisfactory answer from Gabriel: “they’re all dead.’

Black Particles – A development and quantum-leap forward in combative technology developed around the Zeboim era. The true nature and origin of these particles remained a mystery even to those who produced the particles. Information regarding their creation has subsequently been lost and no creation since the end of the Zeboim era is thus far able to use them. However, any information about them will point to one same conclusion; they are highly pollutant and highly toxic to both inorganic and organic matter, making virtually anything that comes into contact with black particles quickly degenerate. Living beings will become ill very quickly if not evacuated from the location where the particles exist. The true extent of their usefulness in combat is high. Vanguard 5 is currently the only unit in existence still able to use them.

Divanon – the name of the planet on which the BC exists. Much like Earth, the planet took millions upon millions of years to progress to a point of intelligence. However, near the dawn of this time of higher intelligence, a catastrophic event caused the planet’s evolutionary path to diverge drastically from what it would have been, leading to the current diversity of sentient species on the planet.

Extended Angel – As time had gone on, the reliance of people on the planet on God decreased, and lesser species no longer looked to the heavens for help. Seeking to increase its military might against those who actually took up arms, the council of Heaven was quite easily convinced by Gabriel to go through with this project, though the Archangel himself had ulterior motives. The intent was to create not only soldiers which could exceed normal abilities, but these soldiers would also be artificial Nexts as well. Thousands of these extended angels were supposedly made, with many of the subjects set to become them dying very early in the process. Because of the extreme conditioning put on their bodies by drugs and biological manipulation, an extended angel normally had only a brief lifespan; however, there were many who lived far beyond the anticipated time of death. Around 50 centuries after the project was put into motion, Archangel Michael called for a stop to the procedures, believing Gabriel had stepped over moral boundaries in creating the extended angels. For the sake of internal peace, neither Michael nor Gabriel revealed just what went into the creation of extended angels. The problem facing the extendeds after a time of war was that manipulation of their bodies had made it so that by definition they were no longer angels; though each had originally started as an angel, the process of becoming an extended meant they had essentially become an entirely different species. Regardless, there are currently 2 extended angels still alive.

(the) Next – A term that refers to a philosophical belief which existed as the world was beginning to emerge into higher levels of thought. As opposed to ‘normal’ beings, Nexts were thought to have a higher level of awareness, usually in the form of physic ability. It was believed that anyone had the potential to be a ‘awaken’ and become a Next, but for most this chance was extremely low. The reason for their name is that most believed that, in time, species and societies as a whole would become closer to God, and the closer they became the more potential was turned into ability. These abilities could manifest themselves in a number of ways, usually psionic abilities. As a result, the more scientific minds of the time believed that under the proper conditions one could create an artificial Next which had abilities the same as a naturally occurring Next. This paved the way for ideas such as the extended angels.

Zeboim – Once a civilization of great technological heritage, this metropolis no longer exists. Almost sole comprised of humans and artificial beings, the people of Zeboim greatly surpassed any other civilization or species at the time in the area of technology, their technology easily able to best even the most fearsome of magic. Though massive, this metropolis was hidden away and almost completely isolated from the rest of the world by the means of an unknown method, and as a result not much of the world was affected when the civilization collapsed. All that is known is that the civilization collapsed after some sort of civil war broke out around fifteen thousand years prior to modern day. All of the technological and scientific feats of the Zeboim people were lost with their home, of which the past and present location is unknown. Artificial beings, which were almost entirely in the form of droids, from this time period are called “Zeboim era” or “Z-type” of whatever they are classified as. Currently only 3 Z-type droids are known to still exist.