[Permanent Records are Myths]
Okay, We bought our first and new subforum, which is pretty much almost like your permanent records, but isn't a myth like Peter Griffin has stated.

What is it?

It's a subforum in which all of you have your own thread [Though you may NOT post in it] and states the reports or history on the guild. For example, lets say you were warned due to dis-respecting a mod. We go to your thread, edit the first post, put on the number of warnings and the reasons, and put the link of the thread of which you were breaking a rule. Simple, eh? This just helps me and the mods to know and when to ban you, so everyone may be banned fairly, and no one is lieing about someone else being warned before, and we all believe the member, and ban you unfairly.

The subforum is readable, so you may look for your thread, and read on your reports, just to know on how much warnings or on how clean you are. But you may NOT post in it. Capiche?