*It had been nearly a full day now since D and T became one and Atha fled the temple. Little to nothing remained of the old temple. All of the architecture had been destroyed. All of the books had either been obliterated or taken. After all of the interior had been decimated, the 5 infiltrators had gone a step further and weakened all of the support in the base of the mountain. Shortly after the five had left, the entire cover which the temple occupied had been caved in. All in all, there was nothigm more than an imploded space in the moutain side which looked like an avalanche. The temple's location was completely covered over*

*Around the forest, mountain, and even within the caved temple, there would be blood found all over. Each and every hylden had been hunted down and slaughtered. What was odd was that there was blood, but no bodies. The only clues would be the claw marks found around the bloody areas. As of now, none of the five intruders remained in the area*