Days were pretty monotonous in the Firekin for Isa. The sun would come up and bake the sands, the soldiers and guards would scuffle and scout, hunters would bring in prey, water-seekers would find a new spring that had welled up or perhaps find an old, reliable watering hole that was no longer sustainable. And Isa...well. Isa annoyed everyone. That's what it seemed, anyway. His parents were very well known within the pride, his mother being the General and his father - her mate - a brute of a soldier. Living up to their battle-forward expectations had never been something he'd been keen on though he had to admit he could tussle with his siblings and hold his own. No, Isa was far more interested in matters of the mind, of intellect and strategy, of history and learning from lessons others had to endure. It was a bit pitiful how he could run circles around others in his pride who preferred to use brute strength to settle arguments rather than talking things out. And honestly, it was all starting to become a bit discouraging.

Isa felt as though he didn't fit in here. Sure, he looked the part. He was a huge lion and sported the proper colors, but in his mind and heart he felt like the odd one out. Sometimes he envied the Huria that were forced away from the pride at adolescents due to tradition and sometimes he wished to join them, but loyalty to his family always kept him from doing so. But now that he was older, now that he had a few years under his belt as a contributing adult, he couldn't help but feel as though his talents would be more appreciated elsewhere.

The decision to leave wasn't made lightly. He loved his family despite the feeling of not fitting in. He knew his parents were always a bit disappointed that one of their children had become a Teacher, but they'd both agreed that it took all types to keep the Firekin strong. They'd had this discussion before and Isa knew better than to bring it up even as he continued to feel isolated in this massive pride. He'd really never made any true friends here either, a disappointing revelation he'd come to just a few moons ago. Sure, he knew lots of other lions and yes, they'd hold conversations and joke, but none of them ever sought him out beyond things that involved his rank. It was discouraging to say the least.

The thing that bugged Isa the most, however, was the fact that he'd hinted that life outside the Firekin might be better suited for him and he'd gotten no pushback. Even his mother had hummed thoughtfully the one time he'd brought it up to her as a joke. Now Isa knew that it really might be in his best interests to leave. There was nothing for him here besides his family, and even they seemed to agree that Isa might do better out in the rogue lands or joining another pride.

Just last night Isa had finally approached Mate'moto to speak to her frankly. He'd indicated he would like to leave, and that he understood the stigma attached to it. Mate'moto had seemed surprised and at first Isa thought she might lash out at him with the way her body tensed, but she finally relaxed and had nodded. They'd talked for some time and although Isa knew he'd never truly be welcomed back, his mother at least wouldn't consider him dead or disown him. She'd seen how he'd struggled to fit in for his whole life and as much as she wished he'd stay, she didn't want to see him be stifled. Isa knew she'd bring up the fact that he could be a great tactician, but he'd argued that battle had never been something that interested him. He much preferred other intellectual pursuits and while he could certainly plan a battle, he'd get little enjoyment out of it.

His father had joined the little talk and it was with much love and affection that they'd given him their blessing to go with the understanding that he may never be welcomed back by the rest of the pride. For Isa, the moment of true well-wishes and love from both his mother and father - something he'd felt he'd lacked since growing into his mane - was sorely needed. It almost made him change his mind right up until his father teased him about having one last spar before he left. Nope. This was the right decision.

He'd waited to say goodbye to his siblings before deciding that it was time. The sands were endless it seemed but he knew the way to the rogue lands. Perhaps he'd be able to find someone to send word to his family that he was all right some day. Perhaps he'd live the life of a rogue forever or maybe there was a pride out there that was more suited to his tastes. Either way, Isa was glad to go.

He waited until nightfall to depart. He'd eaten his fill, drank as much water as he could, and started out into the sands. He'd paused only once to glance back behind him once he'd reached the top of a dune and was surprised to see his mother watching him go. A distant roar of farewell met his ears and he returned it, no sorrow or regret in his tone. He wanted to show her that he was strong in his own way and that this was the path that was best for him. His own farewell gave him confidence and a little boost of energy as he turned, trotting through the sand to the horizon. What awaited him out there was a mystery but it was one he was excited to explore. As he passed the last oasis and the smells of home faded away, the ex Firekin pushed his way through the shifting sands with a renewed sense of purpose and fire. His whole life lay ahead of him and he was excited to see what it had in store.

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