
+||+---------BASIC INFORMATION---------+||+
Name: Taibhseoir (taib for short)
Age: 30's
Gender: androgynous
Race: not available

+||+-----------PERSONAL APPEARANCE--------------+||+
Hair: shoulder length, can be tied back or left down at the sides. depends on mood. dark brown
Eyes: hazel
Weight: weighted enough to not be blown over by a breeze

+||+----------------CHARACTER INFORMATION--------------------+||+
Skills: acquiring information, cooking, customer service
Abilities: being able to spin a yarn so well, one cannot tell whether it's truth or not, slight of hand, bondage. (take this last one as you will)
Weaknesses: like many others, a pretty face with a sob story.

+||+---------------------------CHARACTER LOADOUT-----------------------------------+||+

Weapons: a few hidden daggers.

Armor: a toughened leather vest under regular long sleeved button up shirt, and steel toed boots that were specially made for them, made from the former leather smith Borias.

Equipment: small pouch of powdered poison, several vials of odd colored liquid which MAY be used as explosives. Depending on job of the day, they could be explosives or healing items.


Professionally they are very much a people person. Personally, they are much of a loner and would rather keep to themselves or around one or two very trusting friends. Quiet and reflective most of the time.

Taib is the newest owner of the Sweet Sleep Inn, due to the original owner striking off on another adventure to find their fortune. Well that is the story Taib was told when they were sold the property when he saw the for sale sign. It didn't matter to them though. Taib had a business front to keep what they really did out of the limelight and that was the odd jobs that people of the island needed done no questions asked.
Now before you throw Taib into the villain bin, understand that sometimes in order to do the right thing, you have to do something bad in most cases. Most of their work is information gathering, but there have been some more extensive tasks that require physical harm to someone or something.
But taib is very good at what they do, and no one so far has noticed or discovered what they do besides run a remodeled Inn. If Taib had to describe themselves, they would smile and say they were simply an inn keeper when really they are an information broker who takes an on hands approach.