He wasn't going to lie, life hadn't been as simple as he'd hoped since the last of the new blood had joined. Oh they'd settled in just fine, in fact some of them seemed to be firecrackers, but what he hadn't expected was for himself to be distracted by them. The last two or three festivals had come and gone and while he had welcome to them with open hours he'd never gotten stuck on some of them before.

It was weird to say the least.

Nevertheless today wasn't about him, today was about rumours and grapevines, and a certain lovely sister of his who had been continuing with her own life in the healthiest possible way. If the stories were to be believed then she had herself a beau, it was only fitting that one of her brothers took enough of an interest to size the poor boy up and make sure he was suitable!

...He did have to find her first though, wherever she may have wandered off to.

Juu had never really wanted to bother her brother much with her ongoings in the pride since he had plenty to deal with on his own. Plus she hadn't really been sure where this little thing had been going with the male she had found herself attracted to. They'd walk together and talk with one another but she hadn't really considered the fact it was actually leading anywhere, until it did.

She was certain the news of her social engagment with the male had hit her brothers ears by now and she had hoped to tell him herself but it would seem gossip would never let that happen.

Smiling softly she shook her head and decided to seek him out, which was fortunate for him since she was was heading towards his general direction just as he was out looking for her. "I'm sure you've heard the rumors already?" She asked since she was curious to hear what he may or may not have heard already.

Maybe he'd feign innocent and pretend he heard nothing, though she was going to officially tell him regardless of what he said in return to her question.

"You're looking well I might add. A little distracted as of late perhaps, but well." She wondered who it was that had him not being himself. One could easily overlook her and her pridal outings, but when the ruler got sidetracked it was easily noticed, at least by her.

His face crumbled in to one of agony and sadness, it was completely feigned of course, and she'd damn well know it... But as he turned those puppy dog eyes on her he merely made one small comment in reference to her question.

"How could you keep this from your own brother?" he whined.

It was momentary though, no sooner had he started his guilt trip and it was promptly over, his usual easy smile returning to his lips. His brow did remain lifted though, curiosity piqued by the rumours she had made reference to. He really had done her a disservice when it came to paying attention to her business, but the same could be said of anyone in his immediate family circle. He was going to have to work on that, but at least Juu could never claim she didn't have her privacy right...?

"So, has he got a name or are we referring to him as Suitor #1?" he asked curiously. With a lack of a mother to barrage her with questions there was going to have to be someone who did it so that she could get the whole experience of courting!

Her expression softened at his big eyed glance and she swatted a paw at him. He could be a hard a** when he needed to be but he was the loving brother she knew so well in these moments. "I assure you, it caught me off guard as much as it caught you by surprise. I didn't want to mention anything until I knew for sure it was going somewhere." She was truly nervous about the whole thing, she'd have to leave her brothers and join his family. Which was alright, she'd still see her siblings of course, but still. They were all she had known for so long and now here she was

About to join paws with another in their pride. Someone she had grown comfortable with and had grown to deeply care for.

"Oh yes, his name is Dineo and he is from the Mberede family." Had it been so long since the two of them first talked already? Two winters had passed, it was crazy to think.

"How could you not know?" Itiri lifted a brow.

He hadn't fallen in love, or rather he didn't know what it was to personally fall in love. He'd watched others court and it had been abundantly clear from the outside, so how on earth could you not see it from within when it seemed so simple? He seemed bemused by the prospect that she would be caught off guard, the only time he could imagine that occurring was during particularly cliche scenarios where rivals realised they were even more than that.

"You did like him at the start, you know, as a friend... right?" he figured it best to ask before he got lost down a rabbit hole.

The name however, while familiar, didn't bring up any particular emotions which would seem to indicate that he wasn't a bad one, he hadn't caused any waves while he had gone about his business. However, the fact it didn't give rise to anything also made it abundantly clear that Itiri had failed in paying as much attention to the original denizens as he really should.

That would need to be addressed.

"So what's he like?" he pressed. "And while yes, I accept that you met him here, what's the full story?" he added with a grin.

Giving a rather uncommitted shrug she gave him a sheepish grin. "I don't know, sometimes these things just sneak up on you." It was true, she hadn't realized that there had been something between the two of them until it was there, it just sorta happened out that way.

"Oh yes, of course! I used to seek him out and ask him if he wanted to walk with me and just little things like that." They really were just acquaintances and then one day they weren't, funny how it all worked out.

"He's not overly social, likes to inquire about my well being, so he's thoughtful...." Tapping a paw to her maw she thought a bit more about him, she hadnt thought about what she'd say if someone ever asked her about him. "He's also sweet tempered and calm under pressure, I think you'd like him."

Looking at her brother she gave him a heartfelt smile. "What about you? Any ladies catch your eye?" She gave him a playful nudge.

Suffice to say that her chosen suitor sounded perfectly normal - she certainly hadn't picked someone controversial and he'd have even gone so far as to say he was quite traditional. Itiri was still struggling to find any N'ezi-ozu who were particularly boisterous or loud, quiet or contemplative definitely seemed to be their general demeanour. If there was an outsider who ever walked away without describing them all as 'quite nice' and 'fairly quite' he'd have probably been astonished.

"So he's about the same as the rest of us then," Itiri said with a small chuckle and shook his head. "I assume he makes you happy then?" he asked gently.

The fact of the matter that was if she was happy and this one made her feel that way, then he was perfectly happy to accept him. Granted, he probably wouldn't have had an opinion in it regardless as Juu very much had the capacity to do whatever she pleased, her brothers were hardly likely to be able to stop her from doing anything!

But when it came to her question...

His expression flickered briefly before he furrowed his brow, "No... I don't think so," he replied gently, though he didn't seem entirely convinced by that himself.

Giving a light laugh she nodded, "I suppose you're right. An ordinary male for an ordinary female. Can't really fault me for familiarity." It was true, her mate was much like herself and she was alright with that. If she were younger perhaps she'd of sought out someone a bit more boisterous. There plenty newcomers in the pride now.

"He does make me happy! I'd very much like for you to meet him." She said looking her brother in the eyes. Her family meant everything to her and her brother ended up not approving she'd pick someone else.

Raising her brow she gave a light humm. "You dont think so? Is it safe for me to assume you may have your eyes on someone then? She inquired with a playful bat of her paw to his shoulder.

"There is nothing wrong with ordinary and familiar," Itiri shook his head. For all intents and purposes he was perfectly ordinary and familiar himself! To have the lionesses remain interested in just that came as a relief. Imagine the drama that would have caused, sudden newcomers significantly more appealing than existing males! He'd have been firefighting for the rest of his days if that was the case, fortunately, the females of the Nezi had other things in mind.

"I would, however, very much like to say hello to the one who is about to take my darling sister off my paws," he smirked. Now there was something he would find weird, he hadn't had to give anyone 'away' as it were. Their father should have been there to do it, but unfortunately, that torch had been passed. She could of course ask their brother to do it instead and Itiri would respect that, it was her wedding after all!

"Just to make sure he's got nothing suspicious going on there," he paused. "Maybe I should bring Nche along, ask him nicely to use his sight to make sure juuuuust in case," he teased.

As for his own inclinations.

"I would not say I do," he sounded genuine on this occasion, an odd paradox given that he had sounded unsure before. Perhaps he wasn't ready to commit at this particular moment in time, but in future then that might change. "I did at one point have a brief eye, but she has since found happiness," he chuckled. Clearly that one wasn't meant to be, if she had really been the one he'd have been much more invested!

Giving a nod of her head the grey female was pleased that he seemed alright with the fact she had chosen a typical suitor for herself, unlike one of the more recent additions to the pride. NOT that she didn't find any of them attractive, she had developed strong feelings for her beau over a course of time and she wouldn't trade what they had for anything. A smile spread across her features when he mentioned that he would very much like to say hello to him. "I mean, I'm sure you've probably talked in passing before, our pride wasn't very large to begin with before all the newcommers came..." A light laugh escaped from her maw.

"If you bring Nche along he may feel a little ganged up on, but at the same time maybe it will show some true test of character. Being approached by my only brothers, important members of the pride no less." Imagining how it would play out in her mind made her want to hide in the shadows and watch and see how he would react.

Giving a small frown she reached out and touched his shoulder, "I'm sure you'll find her. It will be nice to see you well taken care of." Giving him a wink she removed her paw.

"If he can survive the scrutiny then he'll be deserving of my sister's paw," he smiled impishly. He wouldn't get in the way of happiness in the grand scheme of things, she was independent and knew exactly what she wanted. If she'd picked this one then it was obvious that it was meant to be and it was in Itiri's best interests to accept and embrace this... Besides, wasn't he the one always cooing at the possibility of new life?

"If he doesn't, then he may just implode in to a pile of dust," he conceded and shook his head. "We can make him into a necklace for you and find you someone more durable," he teased before clucking his tongue at her reassurances.

She was right, in the end he would find someone suitable, but he would take his lead from the approaches his friends and very own sister had taken towards finding an appropriate partner. In the grand scheme of things it didn't serve him well to rush in to anything and he would have to make sure that whoever he picked was invested in his views too. After all, it would be hard to make change if the most special person to you disagreed with it!

"But for now...How about you organise for me to meet this beau of yours," he suggested with a wink. "As much as I enjoy hearing you talk about him it would be entertaining to say hello properly," he pointed out.

When she had managed to wrangle him then he could pry (teasingly of course) about their courtship, but for now, he'd leave her be. Suffice to say that so long as she was happy that was all that really mattered in the end and he'd never be the type to keep her from that.

"In the mean time I will continue to seek out my own,"he added after a moment and clucked his tongue. "And then report back with anything of interest," he promised.

"Rest assured if I do discover her you will be introduced, it's only fair that she be offered the same scrutiny as your beloved, eh?" he added with a smirk.

Alas, with that in mind it seemed fitting for him to take his leave for the time being, if only to buy himself some time to locate someone of interest. He'd never live it down otherwise and if he was entirely honest he really did want to give his sister some good news on his side too!

"We'll talk soon," he promised. "But for now I best make an effort to look, otherwise we're going to get nowhere," he teased as he slipped off quietly.