1. Age: 18
2. Gaia join date: January 11, 2010
3. How did you hear of Gaia Corps: Scrolling clans, this one stood out
4. Which of the following titles do you play
(Y= yes & N= No)
4A) zOMG! [Y ]
4B) Fantasy Earth Zero [N ]
4C) Requiem Memento Mori [N ]
5. zOMG Badge count: 38


I'm Gabby, been playing on this site off and on for a long time. Not sure how long zOMG has been back after it just kind of disappeared off the face of the earth for a while, but I'm glad to see it back again.

I'm just gonna ramble a bit. I kinda miss when it was super active. Tons of people in every server, every area.... I hope it becomes like that again. zOMG used to be an awesome place to make friends and I feel like it was the best game on the site. I hope it can reach that status again. I'm really excited to play again.