Iskra had only just left his younger cousins - they were just granted their apprentice rank recently. He was quite proud of them! The large lion decided the remainder of the day should be used for exploring. He never really went far, but there were new members and many of them he hadn't met yet.

Not that he needed to meet them all, but knowing who he was working with was always a plus. Iskra yawned before nodding at a passing Water Seeker who gave him a nod of greeting in return. He gave a small hum as he continued his journey.

Training had been tough for Suoh who every moment he could was trying to up his skills as a soldier. He was tougher now, getting used to the blaring sun that once made him second guess his decision to join the Firekin. His body however was getting better and better at dealing with its unrelenting glory. This was where he belonged and he knew that with each passing day. Of course he still didn't know everyone here but he wouldn't either. Best to get to know the soldiers he was going to work with and the guards, maybe even a few medics.

It was another lion he noticed as he was going about his journey. As with most of the lions he came across this red male was a sight to behold. He wondered curiously what rank he might hold within the pride. Not sure on how to approach he just came up not too far away, listening to the tune the other was humming.

"Nice tune." The rock color male said. "Just a little something for a short travel?"

Iskra's didn't expect anyone to speak to him as he wandered on, and the voice nearly startled him. He paused, cocking somewhat of a lopsided smile as he stopped humming. "Something of the sort," he agreed. He didn't quite recognize the other. His coat color reminded him of the dark ashes of a wood fire, but he'd never seen anyone with that color before.

"I haven't seen you around before," He stated instead."My name is Iskra," He offered his name freely, hoping to get the other's name in return.






