With Mated Pockettu now being allowed to take part in Mock Breedings, we set up a thread. Mated Pockettu -MUST- have the owner of the mate to their Pockettu quote and agree with the form posted or they will -NOT- be allowed to participate in Mock breedings. If you own -both- Pockettu in a mated pair, this doesn't apply to you. This is strictly for mated pairs where both are not owned by the same person. Once you get the permission here, you then copy/paste the link into your Mock Permission form and your breeding form so that Staff can make sure that if they do take on your Mock breeding that they can make sure the rules are being followed, hm?

[b]Your Pockettu[/b]: [img][/img]
[b]Their Mate[/b]: [img][/img]
[b]Pockettu you are seeking permission to have a Mock with[/b]: [img][/img]
[b]What event is this mock breeding good for?[/b]: (if its just for one event, or if you want a blanket permission which means it can be used any time)