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[PRP] The Follow Up Meeting

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Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:49 pm
Well...this was just slightly awkward.

The conversation they had just shared with the two seers had drawn a number of things to the surface that Tapana would have liked to have kept secret. A little regret, maybe, of letting the female invade her past to use as proof? Perhaps, but what was done was done and there was no going back. Not now. Not unless the seers also had the power to erase a mind...

She pulled herself up onto her paws and cast a wary sort of look at Agni-pariksha, feeling rather out of her comfort zone for the first time in...well...forever.

"You're mad." Stating the obvious somehow seemed like the best course of action.
PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:37 pm
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Agni-parishka didn't know how to handle all of the information she had received in the past conversation, none of the facts, implications or possibilities it had brought to light- so she did the only thing she could think of: she was muttering curses under her breath as she tried to sort out what to say, think or do.

She very much wanted to stomp off to the training grounds and find someone to spar with, but that wasn't her only job now. And despite the insistence with which she had sought her fellow regent's gaze before, once the seers had gone off she had started looking anywhere but at Tapana-- but she couldn't keep that up, especially when addressed directly.

"I'm not mad," she countered, not at all sounding believable, "What the hell are we supposed to do about all this god bullshit? How many Firekin do you suppose are as open to it as you are?"


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 1:25 pm
Tapana gave her counterpart a wry smile, shaking her head slowly at the embers crackling from the intensity of her mood. "It's okay to be mad. I stepped out of line and we've bitten off a lot more than we can chew." Perhaps. "We'll find a way to deal with it one way or another."

As to her second question...that was a lot easier to answer. "Not very many. There are a few traditionalists lurking in the nooks and crannies of the pride but they're a dying breed. We're a dying breed," she corrected. There was no point hiding the fact now that it was out in the open - to the regent, at least. She hoped the seers would keep quiet about it, too. She couldn't risk the pride finding out so soon. They probably wouldn't be too happy...or maybe they wouldn't care. She supposed it would come out eventually. "The rogues who joined us likely don't hold too strong an opinion either way, but the lions and their families who fought in the civil war likely wouldn't think too highly of it and there are a lot of them."

She paused before taking her seat again, "what of you? Are you open to it?"
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 3:14 am
Agni-pariksha hesitated when Tapana assured her it was OK to be mad and admitted her misstep. There was really no arguing that Tapana had gotten ahead of herself but that wasn't as bad as the situation they were stuck in. She stayed tense, staring thoughtfully at the other regent as she answered the question and asked one of her own. There was a long silence and then a sigh.

"Assuming what those two said is true, and gods exist.."

Another hesitation, paired with an uncertain frown.

"We don't need to make something up, to create divine laws that keep our pride under control. The Motoujamii can take care of themselves without that," she said carefully, "But the Nergui.. The Hongshan was small, they didn't stand a chance. But how did those bastards get as far as they did against us? Is faith the thing we're missing?"

If it was true, if gods existed.. if Adanna and Adeyemi truly were the children of a goddess.. could the stories of Finar-si be true, too? Was their struggle in part because they had abandoned her? If so, was it because she no longer cared for them or because they didn't have something bigger to fight for?

It was a goddamn mess to think about.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2016 3:06 am
"Could it be pure luck or is it something more?" Tapana added to Agni-pariksha's musings. "Or is it just that we never truly took them seriously enough? We should have crushed them the moment they started causing trouble. The Firekin of old would have done just that, back when we were known as tyrants who took slaves and dished out no mercy."

Still, in Tapana's mind, that time had come and gone. It felt a little too late now to go raining fire down on Nergui heads. She was curious but not vengeful and there had been no sightings of their absent enemy for some time, now.

"Do you want to know what I think? I think we are being put to the test. Adanna and Adeyemi. Their colouring is like that of an old-blood Firekin. Strong, simple and bold. I believe that I know who their mother is. I think she is Finar-Si and that the only reason they survived so long in captivity is that they carry her blood in their veins. If we use their power, maybe Finar-Si will return and put even greater fire in our blood."

Fire, or tyranny...?

PostPosted: Mon Sep 12, 2016 2:49 am
Agni-pariksha was silent when Tapana suggested the Firekin had not taken the Nergui threat seriously enough. It was frustrating to hear after how they had destroyed the Hongshan, but Agni had said herself that they were small and had little hope against such an opponent.

She didn't get time to digest that before Tapana unleashed another theory, one much more.. interesting. Agni opened her mouth to deny the possibility but then made a face and closed it. Adanna and Adeyemi claimed to be children of a god, there was no reason it couldn't be Finar-si.. it would make more sense that way, in fact. So much more sense.

"That would probably be better than getting tangled up with other gods, but either way we're going to end up with a huge ******** headache over this," she grumbled, "Let's focus on right now."

There was a pause before she started with what she felt was the most important point.

"Whatever power those two have could be useful to us, or it could be dangerous," she said, pulling back on the optimism pervading their conversation to this point, "We won't be able to keep any secrets from them, especially if they're going to improve their skills. They should be Watchers. If they're as smart as they think they are, they'll know it's not because we actually trust them yet but because it's the easiest way to keep an eye on them."

Just how the hell did anybody keep secrets in a world full of seers? Was that a factor in the Nergui's unexpected power and stamina?


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:16 am
Tapana gave a wry smile, nodding very slightly. This was going to be a headache of epic proportions but the possibilities it could bring would be worth it...hopefully. "The seers and their powers have been overlooked for years. For all we know we could have Firekin born-and-bred seers peeking where they shouldn't and we wouldn't have a clue. Part of me wishes that these seers weren't outsiders but perhaps it's for the best. They won't hold so much trust over the pride and if they do decide to spill secrets, maybe they won't be so readily believed."

Still, the idea of them becoming watchers was an interesting one and Tapana decided quickly that the idea didn't need much debating, "the Watcher rank seems a suitable one for them. Only time will tell whether we were right to trust them. Judging from the secrets that Adanna was able to find with not much time, there's no telling what else she might dig up. Still, perhaps it's not so bad. I get the distinct impression that she is the more powerful seer of the two. Perhaps she is an exceptional case and that most seers haven't so much control over their abilities."

She paused, thinking, "if we could unlock this new potential, however, can you imagine what sort of strength it will give us? If the Nergui seers were able to give that unorganised group of ruffians such success, what could it bring to the Firekin?"

She laughed, curling the tip of her tail in delight, "so, dearest Agni-pariksha, where do we go from here? What should our focus be? When we were promoted we had a big list that we needed to tackle. Shall we proceed with tracking Nergui or do we focus on our promotions first? I imagine there's many a glory-thirsty Firekin waiting to prove themselves worthy of a high rank."
PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2016 4:35 pm
The dark regent bared her teeth in a silent snarl as they worked through the necessary but decidedly unwelcome decisions. Tapana was right to suggest that Watchers should be trusted, but Agni stood by her guess that it was their best chance of keeping an eye on them.

"Adanna does seem the more practical and potentially useful and dangerous of the two, but for now we shouldn't underestimate her brother," she said reluctantly, "Perhaps they can help us find the Firekin-born seers. That will make me feel more comfortable."

The fact that she and the siblings were both of Hongshan blood was not enough to sway Agni-pariksha. Perhaps it was the divine involvement, but for once, she counted herself of the Motoujamii first and foremost.

"As much as I hate to give the bastards more time to rebuild, we barely have a council," she said, still reluctant, "It seems we need better Simo representation, and we have no General. For that matter, we have no Legates after you were elected Regent. We have many soldiers and so few leaders."

Even if they wanted to go right for the Nergui, they were barely more organized than the obnoxiously persistent horde at this point. They needed to do something about that.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:26 am
((Sorry for delay. Baby got sick, then I got sick, then I had to work ;_; ))

"I agree," Tapana replied, "figuring just how many seers we have here would be a good start. We can then try and pinpoint the more capable and trustworthy ones. Better to know who we should be keeping an eye on. Anyone who can see things no ordinary lion can needs to be watched closely." Maybe they could be their link to Finar-Si. Use their gift to call her back to the desert and walk amongst them once again.

Tapana nodded in agreement, happy to put the Nergui to one side whilst they built themselves up further. Perhaps they were over-preparing, but she'd rather be ready to crush an enemy the next time, rather than underestimate and suffer the consequences.

"We'll get ourselves another Simo lion if you so wish," she agreed reluctantly, "though lions out of the loop might find that a little...odd. It can't be helped. If they try to question it, I'll shoot them down." She didn't intend on suddenly going public with her devotion to Finar-Si. She hoped that would be understood. "Most Firekin prefer to remember the bad and not the good when it comes to the 'old ways'. They might even try to get me thrown from my position if they found out. I'm not about to start demanding slaves to fan me in the midday sun or sharpen my claws. Nor am I about to suggest kicking out all of the new blood. Once they get to know me better, they'll come around." Or so she hoped...

"Very well, promotions will be our focus for now. It shouldn't take too long to attract the talent we need. After that, I'd like to take a trip to the Bonelands outpost and see about attracting some new blood into the pride. When that is done, we'll see about sending out a search party. We've waited this long to do so, a few more weeks won't hurt."
PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2016 5:29 pm
(( Oh no! ;n; Hope everybody is feeling better! ))

She sighed, skipping along from the seer topic and digging her claws right into the idea of improving their council and their army. She snorted at the suggestion that it might seem strange to anybody outside the council or that Tapana might be putting her position at risk.

"Like hell they're going to oust you for that," she said firmly, "Whatever lies you've told the pride or yourself, I stand by the opinion I gave. Who gives a ******** about the Simo-Safi bullshit anymore? The only problem is taking that history into account when building our council. If anybody thinks it looks suspicious, we'll both shoot them down. If our leanings count in equal measure against the council, the Hongshan is over-represented. If we want a fair and balanced council to guide us, we need Simo."

She huffed once more and stomped a foot for emphasis.

"If you want my opinion on an appointment," she said, "Any of the remaining Brigadiers would make fine Magistrates. Xipil and Azar are both children of Kidondo and No, I would bet on their political leanings being Simo. I don't know the whole story behind Shisa's family, but she is a fine commander, too. And there may be other more appropriate choices than looking to those I already know."

She thought about the Bonelands and nodded.

"Let's get the tournament we promised underway, and then we can truly begin advancing against the Nergui."


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice


Fuzzy Kitten

PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2016 1:37 am
((much better, thank you!))

Agni-pariksha's response got Tapana right in the heart. It was nice to know that, despite keeping things secret, her partner in crime was still on her side. Still believed in her. "Your reasoning is viable. Hopefully there will be no questioning it. The whole point of magistrates is for a balanced view, after all. We're spoiled for choice as far as candidates for the position but the ones you mention are worth head-hunting initially. If they don't want the job, we can look elsewhere. Giving up their more active roles for backbench seats might not sit too well with them."

She grinned a toothy grin and stretched, flexing each forepaw in turn, "it sounds like we've got our work cut out for us. Just how I like it. Come find me later? I'd rather like another duel against you. I've been practising." She laughed, remembering their first duel all too well.

"I'll go mingle amongst the Simo for a while and see who else I can dig up."
PostPosted: Fri Sep 23, 2016 3:27 am
Agni-pariksha nodded, but said nothing else- she had nothing left to say for the moment. Tapana was right that her former peers might not be interested in putting their work aside for politics, however necessary it could be.. there should not be trouble finding a candidate and she trusted Tapana would do that well enough.

She was eager to duel, and the mention of it made her tense up a bit-- but she didn't want to duel Tapana yet. She needed a better distraction than that. She would find somebody to help work out her frustration and then she would deal with the business of being a regent.

"I'll be at the Training Grounds," she said, offering a slight smile.

It was better, having gotten so much out.. but talking wasn't enough. So she gave one final respectful nod and turned to leave. Hopefully she'd find someone at the Training Grounds willing to fight their Regent.


Vice Captain

Magical Apprentice

[IC] Motoujamii Lands

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