Nyx Queen of Darkness

"No, I suppose you could not." He said with a heartfelt laugh. He was enjoying his time with this newfound friend of his. At least he would view Aldrovanda as such from now on, or at least as an acquaintance. He gave a small nod of his head, it was nice to hear that he was often found in this area, that gave him some hope he would cross paths with him again. "Maybe the next time we meet I'll have an injury you could attend to." It was more a joke than anything, he truly hoped that the next time they met it would be like such and nothing drastic by any means. "I will definitely be coming by again in the future, as to when that is.... I'm not exactly sure." He admitted. He wasn't sure where he was going, just that he was. "Perhaps I'll be able to bring you some herbs you don't have already."

WC: 159